Obama's laughable scorn

President Obama described the Republican budget proposed by Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI) as "laughable" during a speech at the Associated Press Luncheon on Tuesday.

More mockery from President Obama is not a surprise. He prefers to run by insulting others and stocking fears, because he can't run much on hope and change given his record for three years.

But who is he to call Ryan's budget "laughable"?

We all know his own record of massive deficit spending and the crippling debt he has imposed on us and generations to come.

That is laughable -- if one had a perverse sense of humor and were, say, China.

What is even more laughable is that Obama has submitted his own budgets to Congress two times in the last year and no one voted to support it -- including his own fellow Democrats.  His supposed budget ideas were so airy and trivial that the head of the Congressional Budget Office dismissed them during Congressional testimony.  He was asked about Barack Obama's budget ideas and he responded that the President's so-called budget plan was not serious and the CBO does not estimate (or "score")"speeches".

And then there is Senator Majority Leader Harry Reid's failure to even make a pretense of being responsible.

Andrew Stiles of the Free Beacon:

503 to 0.

For those keeping score at home, that is the most recent count of "yes" votes received by the competing budget proposals offered by Rep. Paul Ryan (R., Wis.) and President Obama, in that order, over the past two years.

The U.S. House of Representatives on Thursday approved Ryan's fiscal year 2013 budget by a 228-191 margin. One day earlier, House members voted to reject Obama's latest budget offering by the astonishing margin of 414-0.

In 2011, Ryan's budget passed the House 235-193, and was then put to a vote in the Democratic-controlled Senate, where 40 members voted to support it.

That same year, Republicans in the Senate forced a vote on the president budget resolution.

It was defeated 97-0.

Senate Democrats, meanwhile, have not produced a budget resolution in nearly three years.

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D., Nev.) has said that doing so would be "foolish."

Reid's failure  violates the Congressional Budget Act of 1974 that requires both the House and the Senate to pass a budget resolution in the spring. The House (controlled by Republicans the last two years) has done its job; the Senate-under Democratic control for years-has failed to do their job.

How is that for being truly laughable?

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