An Obama jobs' program

Why yes, apparently President Barack Obama's (D) massive debt inducing stimulus is providing jobs for some of the so called professionally victimized 99% as only the Democrats can--disrupting legal gatherings and non union men allegedly receiving higher pay (more than double actually) than non union women for equal work. Ben Shapiro at Breitbart's Big Government explains. 

Obama allies are reportedly paying protesters to stake out Mitt Romney's rallies. Two Michigan protesters said that they were getting paid to do that arduous work. They're clearly not unionized - one protester claimed she was getting paid $7.25 per hour, while another man said he was being paid $17 per hour. These same professional protesters had appeared at another Romney rally that same day. Their story was confirmed by an Obama campaign official, but disassociated his own group from those protesters.

Also, based on the photo accompanying Shapiro's post, and others, in keeping with the Obama's campaign practice, these paid protesters are not a diverse group; they're mainly minority blacks. The higher paid Obama campaign staff that dreams up these and other stunts in the luxurious comfort of the campaign headquarters in Chicago is mainly white.

As Rosslyn Smith noted a few months ago

Funny how this overwhelmingly white staff has escaped media comment. I guess it doesn't fit the narrative.

The narrative of Forward!

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