Democratic three word summaries of Obamacare decision

Showing the class, the bi partisanship, the post Rep Gabrielle Giffords (D-AZ) shooting civility that characterizes the Democratic party in general and the President Barack Obama (D) administration in particular, Patrick Gaspard, Executive Director of the Democratic National Committee, tweeted the following summary on the Supreme Court Obamacare decision.

it's constitutional. Bitches.

According to Jim Hoft of Gateway Pundit Gaspard also tweeted this but then deleted it:


Slight correction: Gaspard spelled out the entire word before ultimately deleting it.

Gloating about the ruling, Obama followed up with this oh so modest tweet

Presidents tried to pass health care reform for decades-and this one got it done.

And then he begged/bullied the American people, "Forward!"

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