Holder Caught in More Lies About Fast and Furious

During a House Judiciary Committee hearing yesterday Attorney General Eric Holder stuck to his guns on Operation Fast and Furious. He lied, denied and acted smug while his posse, Reps. Waters, Lee and Conyers held the race line.

At one point Congressman Issa referenced the "hostility" between himself and the attorney general. Holder's sociopathic response was eye-opening.

With all due respect to Chairman Issa, he says there's hostility between us, I don't feel that, you know, I understand he's asking questions, I'm trying to answer them as best I can. I'm not feeling hostile at all. I'm pretty calm. I'm okay.

Holder's calm, alright, dead calm. Slain federal agents and hundreds of murdered Mexican citizens have no effect on the arrogant, soulless corruptocrat.

The hearing came after a week of back and forth correspondence between Issa, Holder and Rep. Elijah Cummings.

Chairman Issa sent a June 5 letter to AG Holder acknowledging his committee had obtained sealed wiretap applications for use in Fast and Furious and signed by the second in command at Justice. How odd. In previous hearings Holder and company denied any knowledge of tactics employed in the gun walking program.

The close involvement of these officials - much greater than previously known - is shocking.

"Throughout the course of the congressional investigation into Operation Fast and Furious, the [Justice] Department has consistently denied that any senior officials were provided information about the tactics used in Operation Fast and Furious," Issa wrote, saying "statements made by senior Department officials regarding the wiretaps [were] false and misleading."

Laughably, in his reply to Issa, the most corrupt attorney general in U.S history expressed "great concern" that "sealed court documents relating to pending federal prosecutions...have been disclosed to the Committee on Oversight and Government Reform in violation of the law."

Rep. Elijah Cummings, the leading Democrat on Issa's Committee also got in on the act. Holder's obedient lapdog penned a 10-page letter to Issa requesting meetings with former Bush officials, Michael Mukasey, Michael Chertoff and James B. Comey.

Since we now know the gunwalking began under the previous administration, understanding the historical scope of these activities and gaining the perspective of former senior officials will better inform our legislative efforts.

The differences between the Bush administration's Operation Wide Receiver and the Obama administration's Operation Fast and Furious have been written about extensively by the journalists who broke the story in December 2010.

But to humor the mindless liberals let's say the programs were identical. If so, why would Obama's appointees ratchet up a "flawed" program? Why would Holder, Clinton, Napolitano and Obama not call President Bush out for such a "botched" strategy? Where was Holder in 2009 when his Deputy David Ogden publicly stated, "The president has directed us to take action to fight these cartels and Attorney General Eric Holder and I are taking several new and aggressive steps as part of the administration's comprehensive plan?"  Hmm--

The 'Bush started it'  fallacy is so illogical it's a wonder every time Holder and company use that rationale thunderbolts don't come out of the sky and hit the Rayburn building. 

For we the people who have been watching this horror for 16 months, the question is "'will Issa  leak everything he's got to Fox News and CBS and get on with it?" This should be his Patrick Henry moment.

If he has to break ranks then do it; Fast and Furious had deadly results. He knows the internal DOJ investigation headed by Holder's crony is going nowhere. His Republican cohorts should have issued a contempt citation in May 2011 when Obama's firewall lied through his teeth.

The wussies on the Hill who keep pushing back deadlines for Holder to comply with subpoenas are as bad as the Democrats enabling this murderous regime.

How many more letters and hearings do you need, Mr. Issa, before you accept Holder as amoral and corrupt? 

Read more M. Catharine Evans at Potter Williams Report

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