Obama's Number One Priority?

In a Bill Clintonesque off-script moment, on Friday, Obama declared that the economy is fine during a rare press conference. Maybe that would explain why dealing with the economy and finding a meaningful solution for continued record unemployment are not his biggest concerns right now.

"The economy is fine so now I can concentrate on more important things."

What could be more important?

Raising money for his campaign, of course.

That's right. Since declaring his candidacy a year ago he has done 153 fundraisers. That's nearly double the number that President Bush had done to the same point in 2004.

And it doesn't include his numerous trips around the country supposedly promoting his "ideas" for improving the economy which never turned into "plans" which never resulted in "action" because he was too busy campaigning and raising money to sit down in his office and try to build consensus to pass something.

You remember those trips. Most famously the taxpayer funded Midwest bus tour last August that involved driving around in big black million dollar Canadian manufactured buses. Or Obama's numerous taxpayer funded trips to the friendly confines of Liberal college campuses or now bankrupt green energy manufacturers. Add those in and his total probably doubles.

It's not just the fundraising keeping Obama from the Oval Office and performing the job he used $778 million to buy in 2008. Somehow he has managed to find time in his exhausting non-stop campaign schedule to get in 99 rounds of golf in the last three years.

The Lefties are just fine with it too. When CBS This Morning anchor Erica Hill wondered if the charge that Obama is the Campaigner-in-Chief could be "harmful" to the President, Bob Schieffer laughed aloud and replied, "If he raises enough money, it won't hurt him at all." It really is all about the money with these people.

Jimmy Carter pulled off the campaign trail in order to do his presidential duty and deal with the fuel crisis and the Iran hostage situation. Our current President, who is self-proclaimed as one of the top four Presidents in history, won't make that mistake. He apparently thinks that the number one priority for our country is not jobs or the economy or even national security. The single most urgent matter in the world today is making sure that Romney doesn't get elected.

I am confident that at this point there are at least 51% of the voters that would disagree.

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