Kurt Mix Counter-Attacks the DoJ

Former BP engineer Kurt Mix, the only person criminally charged in the Gulf Oil Spill, has launched his counter-attack against the Eric Holder's Justice Department. Mark Schleifstein of the New Orleans Times-Picayune, has the story.

(Mix's attorneys) are asking prosecutors for a "bill of particulars" better explaining the indictment's charges -- in particular, which of the deleted messages forms the basis of the charges. At issue are "over 200" deleted text messages with a person listed as "supervisor" in the indictment and "over 100" deleted text messages with a person listed as "contractor."

The motion also wants prosecutors to explain how deleting the messages affected the federal grand jury in New Orleans that was investigating possible criminal actions involving the oil spill.

Mix's attorneys also want to know which grand jury proceeding Mix allegedly obstructed, including the date the grand jury was empaneled, the issue or issues it is or was investigating, and when the investigation or investigations began....

(Judge Stanwood) Duval will hold a hearing on the new motion on July 25.

So add this to Eric Holder's woes with Fast and Furious. Except this time not just one American was affected by the Obama Administration's policies, there were millions of Americans who felt the effects of the Gulf Oil Spill. And like a real-life Harry Potter, Kurt Mix was one of the wizards who fought against the raging forces of Mother Nature unleashed by human foolishness and ultimately succeeded in plugging "the damn hole".

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