New Romney ad hits Obama over cronyism

This is a little more like it. More please...

Mitt Romney continued his war on President Barack Obama's ties to political donors, releasing a new television ad Wednesday that attacks the president for routing taxpayer dollars to supporters and overseas companies.

The spot begins with a shot of burning cash falling across the screen.

"Where did all the Obama stimulus money go?" a narrator asks. "Friends, donors, campaign supporters, special interest groups."

The ad goes after two companies linked to Obama supporters that Romney has repeatedly mentioned on the campaign trail: the green energy company Solyndra, which filed for bankruptcy after receiving more than $500 million in federal loans, and Fisker, a California hybrid car company that builds part of its automotive fleet in Finland that also received federal money.

The ad ends with footage of New York Sen. Chuck Schumer, a Democrat, speaking at a March 2010 press conference about a report that found stimulus money being routed overseas.

"Seventy-nine percent of the $2.1 billion in stimulus grants awarded through it went to overseas companies," Schumer is shown saying.

First class visuals in this one, and some penetrating questions are asked.

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