Romney/Scott 2012


I am rooting for Governor Rick Scott for Romney's running mate.

Mitt ~ Scott has a nice ring to it.

Aside from that, can you imagine Rick Scott running circles around Joe Biden in a debate about nurses, doctors, hospitals, & whether the government should be running em?

Methinks the Guvnah would surgically remove what's left of good ole Uncle Joe's wits in any duel, anytime, and anyplace.  Speaking of Joe Bite-me, didja hear that ole Joe is demanding that Mitt release all his tax returns?  Frankly, I would love to see Mitt's tax returns meself. Everyone loves a real man's American success story, after all is said and done.  Mitt should tell Joe that he will release one year's tax return for each and every year of college transcript of Obama's.  I'll bet Mitt has more million dollar tax returns than Obama has years of schooling. 

I think we should all be able to judge our candidates by their fruits.  Perhaps then we shall all be able to see where Obama got his fuzzy math from kindygarden going forward. After all, Mitt's been pretty industrious his whole life. 

I'll bet Mitt's tax returns tell a success story we all want to hear about, anyway.  Obama on the other hand...well, Obama's lazy manner in office tends to lead me to think Obama charmed his way through one too many charming schools, imho. 

So, that would be my approach for the Mittmeister; One tax return per one year's Obama transcript. Let's demand to see how brilliant Obama is after all this and that.  What a bargain for taxpayers everywhere.

But back to Rick Scott.  We here in Florida are so proud of Rick Scott and his wonderful family;

I couldn't resist whistling at them at their last stop.  I got to meet Lt. Governor Jennifer Carroll, too! Too, I couldn't stop whistling at her either! What a babe.  She's a Trinny so when she speaks she sings.  From her dazzling website;

Jennifer Carroll is Florida's 18th Lieutenant Governor. She is the first female elected as Lieutenant Governor in Florida and the first African-American elected Statewide.

Did I mention that not only is she a complete babe, she is also a straight shooter?  And because she is a woman, she takes no prisoners.  She is an expert shot so hopefully she'll only have to wing her Democrat opponents in any duel over our state issues.

Aside from that, I fall in love with any woman from Trinidad and I love rooting for them.

Rick Scott for VP, Mitt for president!

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