Texas winning the fight for ballot integrity?

According to at least one Texas news source Friday, things are not going too well for the Department of Justice in the Texas Voter ID lawsuit.  "Texas Demolishes USDOJ's Case Against Voter ID", screams the headline from WOAI radio in San Antonio.

Amidst the week's slanted coverage from most Main-stream press sources, a few largely un-noticed nuggets of truth have slipped out here and there. Notably, DOJ's first witness, Texas Democratic State Rep, Trey Martinez-Fischer was completely discredited by Texas AG Abbott's staff.

For a period of 13-months, Martinez-Fischer publicly used his own 73-yr old Mother as a political weapon, contending that she epitomizes elderly citizens who do not have proper ID, and would thus be disenfranchised by the state's new law.

Abbott's office exposed that Martinez-Fischer's mother not only possessed a valid driver's license when he first perpetrated the falsehood, but further, she actually renewed her license in August 2011, and he thereafter continued to tell the lie.

Martinez-Fischer's retort? As reported by the Dallas Morning News, (the only source which appears to have bothered with reporting this episode) " In my mind, I believed that she did not have a drivers license..."

Indeed, throughout the week most news outlets picked-up the Associated Press' version of events and simply parroted them. As former DOJ Attorney, J. Christian Adams, writing for Breitbart put it, "This is par for the course for writers like Henry Jackson at the Associated Press, and it's why Americans can't trust them to report accurately about the federal government blocking state efforts to ensure the integrity of American elections."

To be sure, a summary of events, here, from Texas' Attorney General Abbott's office roundly contradicts the less than accurate reporting to be found, and suggests the DOJ's case was blown out of the water inside the federal courtroom. In fact, the report would seem to indicate the DOJ did not bother to vet many of their own witnesses for credibility, leading Holder and crew to come off as a bunch of amateurs on an embittered political vendetta.

The matter was made all the more troubling when the nation's top cop spoke to the NAACP convention in Houston this past Tuesday, referring to the law passed by the Texas' Legislature and signed by Governor Perry as, "...its proposed voter ID law."  

Holder added warnings such as, "But let me be clear:  we will not allow political pretexts to disenfranchise American citizens of their most precious right." Along with, "We will simply not allow this era to be the beginning of the reversal of...historic progress."

While on one hand it may be easy to dismiss Holder's proclamations as mere political blather, considering DOJ's response to Arizona after the Supreme Court upheld portions of that state's controversial SB1070 law, we would do well to consider it a genuine veiled threat by an administration which is showing an increasing penchant for lawlessness.

If he does not prevail in Federal Court, should we expect U.S. Attorney General Holder to punish Texas?

George Scaggs is a free-lance writer, commentator and audio/video producer based in Austin, TX. His commentary can be found at sites including Ramparts360.com, American Thinker and GOPUSA. 

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