Chick-fil-A's record setting appreciation day in Chicago

So, it seems that I wasn't the only one who had an excellent adventure on Chick-fil-A Appreciation Day. Ok, ok, no surprise there. As reported with a number of posts on American Thinker, people across the country voted with their presence, their wallets and their mouths. According to a report on ABC News

"While we don't release exact sales numbers, we can confirm reports that it was a record-setting day," Steve Robinson, Chick-fil-A's executive vice president of marketing, said in a statement.

At least one location had to close early after nearly selling out of chicken. At others, lines snaked around buildings and patrons waited upwards of two hours to snag their chicken sandwiches.

Even the chain's CEO, Dan Cathy, who opponents tried to punish for his freedom of expressing an opinion which didn't agree with theirs', got into the act.

In Fayettville, Ga., CEO Cathy greeted customers waiting in line at the drive-thru and thanked them for their support.

And if same sex marriage supporters decide to counter with a same sex kiss-in at the restaurants on Friday as promised/threatened

"The Chick-fil-A culture and service tradition in our restaurants is to treat every person with honor, dignity and respect -regardless of their belief, race, creed, sexual orientation or gender," Robinson said in a statement. "We understand from news reports that Friday may present yet another opportunity for us to serve with genuine hospitality, superior service and great food."

Meanwhile, back in Chicago, ground zero for the protests and counter protests, Roman Catholic Cardinal Francis George blogged about politically correct Chicago values and the right to open a fast food restaurant.

Recent comments by those who administer our city seem to assume that the city government can decide for everyone what are the "values" that must be held by citizens of Chicago. I was born and raised here, and my understanding of being a Chicagoan never included submitting my value system to the government for approval. Must those whose personal values do not conform to those of the government of the day move from the city? Is the City Council going to set up a "Council Committee on Un-Chicagoan Activities" and call those of us who are suspect to appear before it? I would have argued a few days ago that I believe such a move is, if I can borrow a phrase, "un-Chicagoan."

The value in question is espousal of "gender-free marriage." Approval of state-sponsored homosexual unions has very quickly become a litmus test for bigotry; and espousing the understanding of marriage that has prevailed among all peoples throughout human history is now, supposedly, outside the American consensus.


Surely we can find a way not to play off newly invented individual rights to "marriage" against constitutionally protected freedom of religious belief and religious practice. The State's attempting to redefine marriage has become a defining moment not for marriage, which is what it is, but for our increasingly fragile "civil union" as citizens.

Alderman Proco "Joe" Moreno (D), who started the squawk by denying a potential franchisee zoning permission for a restaurant in his ward--that's how it works in Chicago--countered

"It's unfortunate that the cardinal, as often happens, picks parts of the Bible and not other parts," said Moreno, who added that he was raised Catholic in western Illinois, attended a Catholic grade school and was an altar boy. Moreno said he now occasionally attends church.

"The Bible says many things," Moreno said. "For the cardinal to say that Jesus believes in this, and therefore we all must believe in this, I think is just disingenuous and irresponsible. The God I believe in is one about equal rights, and to not give equal rights to those that want to marry, is in my opinion un-Christian."

Moreno also called the cardinal's reference in the blog to a fictional Council Committee on Un-Chicagoan Activities "hyperbole and rhetoric."

Moreno noted the church scandal surrounding pedophilia among priests, questioning George's right to the "moral high ground on equal rights."

Moreno, who has called gay marriage the civil rights issue of our time, also said the mayor and he are not trying to force their values on anyone, but rather to ensure equal rights.

Meanwhile, murders continue in Chicago. Unemployment is the third highest in the nation. 

Apparently the right to stay alive and have a job are not civil rights issue in the city.

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