Congressman Akin: A Rush to a Political Execution

Google "Democrat senator apologizes," and watch what pops up.

Quite a few of the first listings to come up are about Missouri senatorial candidate Todd Akin.

Clearly, the firing squad has formed, and the folks at Google are helping load the rifles.

The very first link is to a Reuters (that paradigm for unbiased reporting) story under the heading "Republican Akin apologizes again over rape comments."  "Whoa," I think, "how'd I get there?"

Just for grins, google "Connecticut Democrat Candidate apologizes for Vietnam comments."  Remember when then-senatorial candidate Richard Blumenthal talked about how he felt when he came home from military service in Vietnam?  He later admitted that he had "misspoken," since he never served in Vietnam.  "Misspoken" is what politicians say when they're caught lying.

The voters in Connecticut forgave him, and he was elected.

The first link when you google "Connecticut Democrat..." is "[Chris] Dodd: Blumenthal's record 'outweighs' misstatements about..."  So if your record is deemed acceptable, it's okay to lie about serving in the military in a combat zone?

The late Teddy Kennedy drove a car off a bridge, and a young female passenger died.  All was forgiven.

Senator John Kerry, who actually did serve in Vietnam (for three months), once had to apologize for saying, on November 15, 1988, that "if [President Elect George W.] Bush is shot, the Secret Service has orders to shoot Dan Quayle."  What a kidder.

There were no calls for his political execution.

Congressman Akin says a dumb thing, and out come the long knives.  No doubt he'll be featured in the Democrat's convention (by Sandra Fluke? -- google her name for grins) as an example of the Republicans' mythological war on women.

We know that Missouri Senator Claire McCaskill has said some dumb things.  So I google her name, and the first thing that pops up is:  "Claire McCaskill's Political Strategy Paying Off."

Well, how about that.  Curious, isn't it?

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