That Chair Was Racist

Who does Clint Eastwood think he is?  Having an empty chair next to him on stage while he pretended to talk to a non-existent Barack Obama supposedly sitting in that chair was racism.   It was intended to make our President seem small, inconsequential, like a black man who doesn't count -- or counts at most as 3/5 of a person.   

Was the empty chair a metaphor for Barack Obama as an empty suit, or an emperor with no clothes?  This is clearly code for society's assumption that a black man cannot be taken seriously and is not up to the job.   Towering above the empty chair Eastwood talked down to an imaginary Barack Obama.  A black man does not need to be talked down to by a white man, especially a white man who is famous for playing characters always armed and dangerous.  

And where does he get off mentioning the President's record of failure?    Barack Obama doesn't need a record of success.  He is Barack Obama, and that should be enough.  

Wait...I'm sure some pundits on the left will make all the arguments above, and maybe throw in the fact that when he called for Obama's firing and drew his hand across his neck it was a coded message for the President's lynching.  

When you have been a complete and utter disaster as a President, charges of racism are all you have left.  Of course he won't make those charges himself, his stooges in the media will.  

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