The Obama Classic

If you thought the Obama campaign might attempt some modesty in the wake of all things dismal, downgraded, and transformed, think again.  The Obama Classic, postponed in 2011 when NBA players returned to work post-lockout, is back.  And apparently it's a big freaking deal (subject: Michael Freaking Jordan) for the common man, according to the campaign's latest e-mail.

On August 22nd, President Obama is getting together with some of his basketball heroes: Michael Jordan, Carmelo Anthony, Sheryl Swoopes, Alonzo Mourning, and Patrick Ewing, just to name a few.

Wait, did, you catch that? MICHAEL JORDAN.

The President wants to share this dream moment with some of his grassroots supporters. You could be there.

And even if basketball's not your thing, you probably have a friend or loved one who's got enough game for the both of you.

Just give $3 or whatever you can today, and you'll be automatically entered for the chance for you and a guest to join them for dinner, and on the court, at the Obama Classic.

Just think about that kid or friend who'd love nothing more than to shoot hoops with some of these stars, while you cheer them on from a courtside seat.

Step up and take your shot at making the team with President Obama and some of basketball's greatest legends:

Good luck,


Clo Ewing

Obama for America

In a month when the Obamas sacrificed their annual trip to Martha's Vineyard for the sake of image, they certainly will have managed their fair share of hobnobbing -- celebrating the fundamental transformer's birth with a taxpayer-funded trip to Obama's own Chicago backyard; closing down a public beach to use as a helipad near the beachfront, limo-lined estate of Harvey Weinstein to fundraise at nearly $40,000 a Hollywood head; and now dribbling with the NBA, whose commissioner, David Stern, along with Michael Jordan, will be hosting a $20,000-per-head dinner following the Classic's revelry.  Even without having to play shirts and skins, my bet is on Obama being the only guy left with the shirt on his back.

These desperate gimmicks that attempt to lend credence to a grassroots narrative - dinners, coffee, celebrity encounters, birthday parties, basketball -- aren't just incessant, and they aren't just insulting.  In polite terms, such lavishness amid purposed economic destruction and increased government dependency -- made accessible to the lucky little guy, lottery style, for just $3 -- is simply vile.  Worse, there are still far too many cheap dates willing to sacrifice dignity and liberty for temporary thrill, be they the 1% host or the sycophant fan, one of whom must believe that fundamental transformation will favor him in the end.  As if.

Everyone knows Popeye's cartoon friend, Wimpy, whose famous tag line, "I'll gladly pay you Tuesday for a hamburger today," never really paid for his hamburgers.  But, of course, someone did.  In the case of the Obama campaign, the sycophant willing to chip in even $3 toward fundamental transformation may be shooting himself in the foot on the cheap, for now, but we all pay for it, ultimately. 

The good news is that the Classic should leave an indelible image of a narcissist and an equally indecent NBA -- for the jobless and overtaxed, and the nuns or doe-eyed elementary students sure to be kicked off some court in NYC on dear leader's behalf -- well into the election.  The only winner in these ridiculous campaign charades will be the citizen who awakens November 7 to find his Constitution returned to its rightful place of honor, and Obama funding pick-up games at his own expense.

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