I am (Not) the 47%

I can't take it anymore!  It's time to set the record straight:

I am, officially and categorically, in the infamous 47% tax bracket.  You know, the one everybody assumes are moochers, users and takers.  The main factor that has not been incorporated into the argument is choice.  As you cannot choose your tax bracket, I did not and cannot choose mine.

What I pay doesn't and shouldn't brand my integrity.  Both parties have liberally slathered my character as a usable calculation to their cause.  Do the Democrats think that by dangling 'freebie carrots' they have my vote?  Why do the Republicans write me off as a lost cause due to my eligibility for entitlement programs?  It is our choices not our 'classes' (an old Soviet term) that define us.

I was gathering signatures on the petition to recall Gray Davis.  Before the Tea Party emerged on the public scene, I was an attendant at the "Heads On A Stick" rallies hosted by John & Ken (local LA talk show hosts) protesting corrupt California politicians.  I emerged with the Tea Party as I rallied at various representative townhalls protesting against Obama Care and standing shoulder-to- shoulder against SEIU paid thugs to keep us at distance.

I have never filed or used food stamps - I shop wisely.  I do not claim extra dependents on my tax forms for more deductions.  I do not file 'earned income tax credits' where I would get a hefty check from the government come year's end.  If you're not familiar with it, look it up.  It will make your blood boil!  I do not use the emergency room even when I've been advised to go.  Amazing how I didn't need the stitches that everyone so adamantly assured me were necessary.  I did not apply for higher paying jobs offered by SEIU.  How could I, with conscience, work in the enemy's camp? 

I guess I could choose to contribute more taxes to the government, but would you?  I won't give California or D.C. one red cent more to squander!  Instead, I donate 15% of my gross pay to the Pacific Justice Institute, ( Editor - YOU MAY SUBSTITUTE A GENERIC NAME IF YOU DO NOT WANT THE COMPANY KNOWN) a non-profit that fights for our Constitutional rights and challenges cases in court on our behalf.

In conclusion:

To Obama - Don't think you've got me in your pocket with your socialistic 'freebies', i.e.; glasses, cell phones, food, health care, etc.  You don't! Leave me alone, I don't want your 'victim' programs paid for by the other 53%.

To Romney and the 'right' - I'm tired of your constant denigration and being written off as a mooching loser with no brains or morals.  Yes, I will vote Republican (as always) but I would have preferred a great gun-toting Federalist like Rick Perry.

As to the rest of you?  If you could choose your tax bracket - what would it be?  I know you can't but neither can I.  Take me for WHO I am not WHAT I am (the 47%).  I take responsibility for my Life's choice and am proud to do it.  Can you say the same? 

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