Opulent Obama Parties with Rich and Famous

While the State-controlled Media continues to demonize Romney for not caring about 47% of the population, the Obamas whooped it up at a $40,000 per-person fundraiser with their American idols--the clothing challenged barely literate Beyonce and her reformed foul-mouthed rapper husband Jay-Z (the singer decided no more profane lyrics after the birth of his daughter).

The week after Libyan Ambassador Christopher Stevens and three other Americans were slaughtered by terrorists, and American soldiers were ambushed and killed in Afghanistan, the rich and famously depraved threw a party for the Obamas at Jay Z's 40/40 club in Manhattan.

From DailyMail

President Barack Obama attended a fundraiser at Jay-Z's 40/40 Club in Manhattan that featured a champagne tower of 350 bottles worth $105,000 - more than twice the median household income of an American family.

The tower of $300-a-bottle Armand de Brignac Brut Gold, known as 'Ace of Spades' because of its label, is a permanent fixture at the club.

It's floor-to-ceiling gold bottles in the entire space,' a 40/40 representative told the New York Post. 'It's beautiful-breathtaking.' 

Contrast the opulent "breathtaking" Beyonce soiree with the latest Obama for America email. 

OFA asks one of the low-life minions to shell out $5 for "You, President Obama, a table, chairs, and some grub." 

"Grub, table, chairs?"  No gold champagne bottles? No scantily-clad celebrities? Obama claims to be just a regular guy who's going to ameliorate the suffering of the middle class, the poor and the downtrodden.  How is he going to do that when he avoids them like the plague?  

The man parties like a third world dictator. Come to think of it that might explain the Obamas' obsession with Beyonce.

Ms. Knowles got a cool $2 million back in 2009 performing for Colonel Muammar Gaddafi's son Hannibal at an exclusive St Bart's nightclub.

Too bad her timing was off. The Lockerbie bomber had just been released from a Scottish prison; the families were grieving and having Beyonce shaking her stuff for the son of the guy who murdered their loved ones didn't go over so big. The singer eventually donated the blood money to charity. 

Obama's record also shows he's "down"  with hot millionaire actresses like Scarlett Johanssen, Jessica Alba, and Natalie Portman but not so down with the struggling black folks in Chicago.

As an Illinois state senator Barack Obama helped his fat cat cronies amass mounds of cash from shady real estate deals. One of the main recipients was senior adviser Valerie Jarrett whose management company left government-subsidized housing complexes in ruins.

The residents at places like Grove Parc Plaza didn't fare so well. While the crony rats on the outside were buying up mansions by the seashore in Martha's Vineyard, the four-legged kind were running around inside the dilapidated, condemned tenements.

No worries though. The urban dwellers will still vote for the One.

They still think Obama hasn't forgotten the little people who bought his community organizer elite-to-street jive and catapulted him into the halls of power.

He remembered them all as he fawned over 'Bey and Jay' in Manahattan this past Tuesday.  

...the good thing about so many of us here-and I know, I speak for Jay and Bey-is we remember what it's like not having anything, and we know people who were just as talented as us that didn't get the same break, the same chance.

And Jay-Z now knows what my life is like: We both have daughters, and our wives are more popular than we are," Obama said to laughter and applause. "So we've got a little bond there. It's hard, but it's okay."

The President then held Beyonce up as a stellar example of womanhood for Malia and Sasha, his own daughters.

Beyoncé couldn't be a better role model for our daughters because she carries herself with such class and poise and has so much talent.

Can't you just see Malia and Sasha 10 years from now without a high school diploma strutting across a stage half-naked?

Obama's either flying way too close to the sun or his demons are getting the better of him.

From his Gabby Giffords style campaign rally in Las Vegas soon after the murders of American citizens to his passive aggressive snubbing of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in favor of an appearance on David Letterman, to his psychopathic identification with hip hop singers at a posh party, Obama's "empathy deficit" which goes unnoticed by his supporters and the mainstream media was startling during these past two weeks. 

As usual, the gulf between Mr. Obama's true feelings about the poor suckers who voted for him vs. his public declarations of love was too much. True to form, he projected his elitist distaste for the nobodies onto Mr. Romney.

In an Univision interview on Thursday Obama criticized his opponent's lack of compassion for the 47% of Americans who don't pay taxes. 

When you express an attitude that half the country considers itself victims, that somehow they want to be dependent on government, my thinking is maybe you haven't gotten around a lot.

Not like Mr. Obama, who definitely gets around--especially Manhattan parties, basketball courts, golf courses, fundraisers, and campaign rallies filled with the young and the dumb. 

Read more M. Catharine Evans at Potter Williams Report

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