Persistent Pragmatism Over Relentless Radicalism


It's a little too soon to start worrying about how conservative Mitt Romney will be once he takes office, considering that the McCain campaign also seemed ready to cross the finish line in September four years ago. We have to make sure he gets there first. Lack of enthusiasm still haunts Romney, despite his impressive fundraising and choice to put Paul Ryan on the ticket. As the joke goes, conservatives feel "stuck between Barack and a hard place", and voters who feel stuck may well end up stuck at home on election day.

What could get conservatives to turn out for Romney on November 6th? A conviction that a Romney presidency will not be as bad as an Obama presidency.I do believe that Romney will be a change for the better.The proof is in his flip-flop record, it shows that he is willing to be pragmatic for the sake of advancing his political career. There is certainly danger in that, but not as much danger as in an unchanging devotion to radical ideology, which is what President Obama possesses.

As Obama told former Russian president Dmitry Medvedev in March, "This is my last election ... After my election I have more flexibility." Of course I wish we had a candidate with consistent conservatism that we could trust in, but, we don't and we can't change that now, and with the survival of the country at stake, I would much rather take my chances with persistent pragmatism rather than relentless radicalism.

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