The Obama Schedule

Here is todays schedule for Obama:

"The president will welcome the WNBA Champion Minnesota Lynx at a White House reception. He will then head to New York, where he will do an appearance on Letterman and attend fundraisers at the Waldorf Astoria and Club 40/40, hosted by Jay-Z and Beyonce. He will return to Washington late in the evening."

According to the Government Accountability Institute, Obama has spent more time golfing than in economic meetings of any kind and Obama has skipped more than half of his intelligence briefings.

But wait. According to Obama's National Security Council spokesman Tommy Vietor, Obama is "among the most sophisticated consumers of intelligence on the planet."  That explains it. He can "consume" intelligence so fast he doesn't have to hang around the office like some plodding klutz. Now how did Victor conduct that survey?

Ok. Some of this is old news already reported by Rick Moran back in July. But let's take a look at the full picture which has been glaringly highlighted by recent events in the Middle East and North Africa.

He skips a security briefing on Sept. 5th to do a little jive talking with the "Pimp with the Limp", DJ Laz. "You're big time. You've got Pitbull and Flo Rida and all these guys just beating a path to your door. And so I'm hoping that I can get a little of that magic from you in this interview."

According to the White House Obama couldn't meet with Netanyahu because "The president's schedule will not permit that." But that same day, Obama announced that he will be on the David Letterman show.

He gave a faltering and hurried reading of his "bad day" speech on the 11th anniversary of 9/11 in order  to run off to a fund raiser that Michelle Malkin described as going "Off to Las Vegas for a lovefest campaign rally with 8,000 fanboys and fangirls who cultishly screamed, "I lovve youuuuuu" - ."

During Obama's presidency the White house has become the new "in" celebrity dining hot spot featuring Hollywood glitterati from Morgan Freeman to Kim Kardashian to Clooney. Add to that all the entertainment shows and the White House is looking like Vegas on 1600 Pennsylvania Ave.

But when he finishes consuming all that "intelligence", Obama says he is thinking about jobs and the economy from the time he gets up in the morning till he goes to bed.

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