Last Debate Proves Mitt Way Ahead

If anyone still doubts the Gallup Poll -- and common sense -- showing that Mitt Romney is way ahead in the polls, all they had to do was watch the third presidential debate to have their minds changed. Romney put the game into the "four corners" stall, running out the clock while turning away numerous chances for easy slam-dunks and taking care not to stop the clock. Barack Obama, meanwhile, was pressing, slashing, and committing all kinds of fouls. Referee Bob Schieffer, not wanting to share in Candy Crowley's sordid legacy, let the players play.

That's the good news.

The bad news is that since Mitt is ahead and George W. Bush is the devil, we have to pretend that it was indeed Obama, with Crocodile Dundee's knife clenched between his teeth, who brought Osama bin Laden to justice. Never mind that bin Laden was located with interrogation techniques Obama campaigned against and insists do not work. Never mind the gathering of this intelligence was done largely before Obama took office. Never mind that Obama threatened to hold up the pay for the Seals as a bargaining chip in a budget negotiation with John Boehner. Never mind that Obama won't use the term "Islamic terrorism" or "the War on Terror." In fact, I guess we have to suspend our disbelief for a second and disregard the fact that everything that led to Osama bin Laden's death originated with conservatives and was opposed by liberals like Obama at every step. Since Mitt is way ahead, it's ok to congratulate Obama on that point anyway.


As unsavory as all of this is to swallow, it is nonetheless strong evidence that Romney's campaign realizes Mitt is fast pulling away from Obama. Obama's slash and burn techniques show me that his campaign understands the same thing. No one in either campaign really believes a 2008 turnout model is valid, and that is the primary methodology that is keeping Obama "ahead" or "tied" in certain polls. Gallup, which has showed a 6-7 point Romney lead for several days in a row now, is about what the other polls would show if they would simply use a reasonable party affiliation turnout model.

Mitt is 6-7 points ahead nationally and 2-5 in the swing states. He knows it. Obama knows it. They all showed the nation last night they know it. That is the big takeaway from the final debate.


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