Majority believes voter fraud likely in presidential race

It's a PPP poll, but if you read the internet you're not surprised. Both sides are fully prepared to delegitimize the winner of the presidential contest by claiming fraud in the vote:

The election may be three weeks away but voters on both sides of the partisan divide are already prepared to blame voter fraud if their candidate loses.

PPP polls over the weekend found:

-In Ohio 62% of Republicans think Democrats will engage in voter fraud to make sure that Barack Obama wins. 50% of the Democrats think that the GOP will engage in voter fraud to ensure a Romney victory.

-In Florida 60% of Republicans think Democrats will engage in voter fraud to make sure that Barack Obama wins. 55% of the Democrats think that the GOP will engage in voter fraud to ensure a Romney victory.

-In North Carolina 69% of Republicans think Democrats will engage in voter fraud to make sure that Barack Obama wins. 51% of the Democrats think that the GOP will engage in voter fraud to ensure a Romney victory.

If it's a close election it's safe to say it's going to get ugly.

The way the race is shaping up, it is likely that at least one state, and probably more, will experience some kind of recount - a recount that could decide the election. And if the original result from that state were to be overturned, the possibility for widespread social unrest will be present.

If there was ever a clearer rationale for voter ID laws, I haven't seen it.

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