More of the same needed from Romney in second debate

There has never been a relationship between a film and the coordinated attack on the US consulate in Bengazi.

The fable was contrived by a man who dodges the responsibilities of his office and his sworn duties, at every turn.  This office was not forced upon him. He is no prince, no king, no pontiff. He wanted this office desperately. He campaigned to get it. He has since his inauguration been derelict in his duty to preserve the constitution at every turn.    

We were attacked by terrorists and Obama did nothing - actually worse than nothing. He lied about the circumstances rather than react responsibly. He lied about just about everything rather than work on a problem. His solution for almost any issue is more authority in his or governments hands; a solution that matches life long pattern of shifting blame or responsibility. 

We pray that in the upcoming debate sessions between Mr. Obama and Mr. Romney, that the Governor continues to outline the outrageous behaviors of Mr. Obama as they relate to foreign policy and national security.  Somewhere, somehow, sometime, Mr. Obama must be held to account for the choices he has made where he knowingly allowed this nation to become weaker, to risk its destruction. He has methodically divided its people.

It remains the purview of presidential candidate Mitt Romney to highlight the failings of his opponent. Justice may only be served in the court of public opinion as just condemnation of the consistent efforts of the Obama Administration to weaken the national security of the United States. We pray that Mr. Romney delivers this justice in the next few weeks and does so as fearlessly as he did in the first debate. 

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