The Politics of Trust

There is an old saying that goes, "Trust, once lost, can never be regained."

Trust is a singularly important commodity in the entire animal community.  It transcends and combines your entire mental makeup.  Trust is about survival.  Trust is about success.  Trust is about process.  Without trust, we could not live day-to-day.

Of our six independent processes that make thinking work, belief/faith, logic, instinct/intuition, programming, and emotion, trust combines them all.  Trust is the steady force in life, a third rail of interpersonal communication, decision making, and confidence. 

When someone is accused of being non trustworthy, this can resonate with the very foundation of how this person is considered, and whether what he/she says is just plain discounted. 

Just when Governor Romney seemed to have built an incontrovertible case that the President is non trustworthy, the President, perhaps in anticipation, strikes the counter attack and charges his opponent on these very grounds. This could be the most dangerous development (at least to Romney) in the last several weeks. 

If only 1-2% of the voting public, who had given up on believing what our President  claims is true or at least  had become  a bit suspicious, accept the latest "no trust" thrust, it could signal an irreversible trend in the campaign in favor of the incumbent.  Can it be that the Governor, who is by many accounts a sincere, competent, and honest person, will be defeated by a dedicated strategy channeled through one of our most fundamental thought systems?  Indeed, it's absolutely possible.

While Governor Romney has appeared to have passed on a few tactical openings (as in a chess game) of late, he must absolutely address this one.

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