What Biden Really Knows about the 47%

In the vice presidential debate, Paul Ryan defended Romney's comment that forty-seven percent of the people don't pay taxes and are takers.  He said that "[t]he vice president surely knows ... that sometimes the words don't come out of your mouth the right way."

Ryan was light and funny, while Biden was coarse, bitter, supercilious, and sneering.  He thinks that Romney is removed from the people.  But does Biden really think that he himself is "the people"?  He doesn't realize how removed from the common herd he is when he walks around with the moniker "vice president of the United States."  He is farther from the middle class than either Ryan or Romney.  Yet he defends them like he is a manager at a Burger King.

Biden says, "But I always say what I mean."  But with his irrational daily comments, not even he knows what he means, nor do we.  He claims he is the knight of the middle class, but the other day he said that the middle class has been wrecked by Obama.

My wife reminds me that on July 20, 2011, she attended a fundraiser for the Republican National Party.  Romney was there as a guest.  People at the party asked Romney what his chances were of winning.  He said it was very hard for him because forty-seven percent of the people are not paying taxes.  They are dependent on the government.  So these people are likely to stay with the people who are bribing them.  Romney didn't say that he was not there for those people; he said that those people were not there for him.  He didn't mean that he wouldn't try to help them regardless of their not voting for him.  In fact, he would probably help them more than Obama, who Biden says has "buried the middle class."

After all, how could Romney compete with Obama's bribes -- the cell phones, the helping illegals get citizenship, the mortgage relief, the free contraception, the late-term abortions, and the easing of tuition debts?  He is buying votes with monies that he is stealing from the taxpayers.

Obama loves to travel and charge his vacations to us.  I guess that's why he wants to turn us into Greece.  He is cruising for bankruptcy.  He is borrowing the money for the trip from China.

After Obama finishes giving out his freebees, the ship will sink.

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