An antidote to your depression this morning

Nothing worse about losing an election than to have to listen to the opposition gloat.

Paul Krugman:

So, for a while there during the campaign it seemed very iffy. But in the end, discipline and being on the right side of the issues prevailed. Yes, Elizabeth Warren won!

Oh, and that guy Obama too.

Tomorrow - or I guess today - comes the cleanup; when thousands, perhaps millions, of right-wing heads explode, it makes quite a mess. Also, notice that the polls were right. I wonder if I can get invited when Nate Silver is sworn in as president?

OK, somewhat more seriously: one big thing that just happened was that the real America trumped the "real America". And it's also the election that lets us ask, finally, "Who cares what's the matter with Kansas?"

For a long time, right-wingers - and some pundits - have peddled the notion that the "real America", all that really counted, was the land of non-urban white people, to which both parties must abase themselves. Meanwhile, the actual electorate was getting racially and ethnically diverse, and increasingly tolerant too. The 2008 Obama coalition wasn't a fluke; it was the country we are becoming.

And sure enough that more diverse and, if you ask me, better nation just won big.

Notice too that to the extent that social issues played in this election, they played in favor of Democrats. Gods, guns, and gays didn't swing voters into supporting corporate interests; instead, human dignity for women swung votes the other way.

OK - you've had a good cry and it's time to stop moping around. Let's get back in the game a continue to fight for what you believe.

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