
The Obama administration has been actively trying to control the conversation on Benghazi via deception and distraction.  Their brain-dead media minions are taking it hook, line, and sinker.

Remember reports that Axelrod was always in the room while Obama was being briefed on drone strike targets?  Is anybody to believe that his campaign wasn't in the room on September 11?

Overlooked thanks to Obama's redirection of the conversation is that there is the likelihood of an illegal arms transfer to extremist rebels in Syria.  If this were to be uncovered, it would change the comparison from Watergate to the Iran Contra affair.

Therefore, my new name for all of this is Benghazicontragate.

Just in The Washington Post press room:

"Mr. Woodward, Mr. Bernstein.  There's somebody on the line named Deep Throat saying he knows exactly what was going on in Benghazi and why Obama left the ambassador to die."

Woodward, "Ask him if he has any pictures of Petraeus and Broadwell naked in bed.  Then we'll talk.  Otherwise, just take a message."

"But they say there's a chance that it was a gun deal gone bad."

Bernstein: "Hey we couldn't sell papers with Fast & Furious.  Nobody's going to buy this story.  We need smut!  Give me smut!"

Suspected illegal arms deals between CIA operatives and Muslim extremists from secret locations.  Terrorist attacks on American embassies by an organization that the president claims he eliminated.  Instead of embassy personnel held hostage, we have the murder of four Americans, including a highly respected American ambassador.  Failure by the military to render immediate aid for undisclosed reasons.  The president's re-election held in the balance. Outrageous and ever-changing cover stories seemingly coming from the presidential campaign headquarters.  High-level staff lying to the press and to Congress.

This story has all the earmarks of a Benghazicontragate.

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