Happy Thanksgiving, American Patriots

Before I begin, I hear many of you saying, "No way, Lloyd.  Enough with your positive 'God is in control and everything is going to be all right' crap!  We lost the most important election in U.S. history.  Obama won, and America as we know and love it is over!"

You are correct.  Things look pretty bad.  So what the heck do patriots have to be thankful for this Thanksgiving?

Well, folks, all I can do is go back to basics; be thankful for the things that money cannot buy.  I am thankful for my wife of over thirty years who still loves me.  I am thankful for my health.  I am thankful for my new relationship with my adult daughter.  I am thankful for my over-twenty-year relationship with my music producer Frank Starchak and his family.  Mary and I watched Frank's and his wife Sonya's son and daughter grow up to be awesome adults.  We are their Uncle Lloyd and Aunt Mary.

I am extremely thankful for the love and respect I receive from patriots across America.  Occasionally, kind comments posted in response to my articles have brought my wife Mary to tears.

A patriot brother, Michael Holler, the author of The Constitution Made Easy, offered some great advice.  Michael said that there is not much we can do between now and next year.  Patriots are exhausted and traumatized.  Michael thought it best that we chill out and enjoy life.

Michael's wise suggestion brought to mind a Bible story about Elijah, who was fearful, exhausted, and hopeless.  Emotionally spent, Elijah asked God to take his life.  He fell asleep two times.  Both times, an angel awakened Elijah with food and water.  After rest and food, Elijah was able to go forward (1 Kings 19:9-18).

Brothers and sisters, we need time to refresh and get our heads together before moving forward to defeat Obama.

So as corny as it sounds, I am going to count my blessings, focusing on all of the amazing good stuff in my life.  I have much to be thankful for because God has been pretty awesome to me.

Patriots, eat too much turkey and pumpkin pie.  Dance and drink too much eggnog.  Love on the wife and kids.  Laugh...a lot.

Come January 1, 2013, get your butts into the gym.  We have a country to take back, and we need you ready for duty.  Happy Thanksgiving!

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