Obama Lost the Battle of Benghazi

Hollywood, according to the New York Times is trying to really embellish President's Obama role in the SEAL raid that killed Osama bin Laden "Thanks to the magic of editing, President Obama will have a starring role in a television drama about one of his biggest accomplishments - the killing of Osama bin Laden - that will be shown just two nights before the presidential election."

"...promotional materials and a copy of the movie provided to The New York Times this week also show that the film has been recut, using news and documentary footage to strengthen Mr. Obama's role and provide a window into decision-making in the White House."

So if any Americans care to watch the President give the "go order" there is a very important additional event to remember on Election Day. On 9/11 2012, President Obama as Commander-in-Chief went from his campaign slogan that -- Osama is dead and Al-Qaeda is on the run -- to personally losing the first battle against Al-Qaeda in our nations history.

It is very simple to understand; they attacked -- we left -- they stayed -- we lost -- his fault.

It was not a military failure, nor an Intelligence Community failure, it was a strategic failure of judgement and political will at the presidential level assisted by his National Security team--everything else is second order.

The Battle of Benghazi was both a tactical and strategic loss personally for President Obama.  Voters can reflect on the Hollywood portrayal of President Obama saying simply "go" but now they have an another real world point of context.

His possible re-election would solidify the US tactical battlefield defeat in Libya as a significant strategic defeat for America during an Obama second term. But if Governor Romney is elected it will not stay a lasting strategic loss for America because Governor Romney will not own the consequences of President Obama's lack of will and bad judgement. The President of the United States was personally paralyzed in action during a battle in which Americans were attacked, overrun and killed.

America would have to go back to the dark days of the end of the Vietnam War to see such a nasty event as our forces retreating under fire from American territory.  We evacuated out of Benghazi in a combat situation and it was the first time we retreated in combat since flying off the roof of our Embassy in April 1975. It can not be stressed strongly enough that the US suffered a tactical defeat with potential strategic consequences because in combat we were removed by force from " the Shores of Tripoli."

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