It's second thoughts Sunday for 2008 Obama supporters

Today looks like a very bad day for President Obama's campaign, as former 2008 supporters are having second thoughts.

Beneath the radar of most media elitists, the nation's observant Catholics (a demographic slice that favored Obama in 2008) are hearing from their leadership. Andrew Malcom of IBD is almost the only major journalist to notice:

As a result of what Catholic church leaders regard as some blatant double-dealing by the Democrat president on his ObamaCare regulations, the church has quietly launched a massive national information campaign among millions of church faithful.

Catholics are famously independent when it comes to their votes. Even if they were voting simply by religion, both vice presidential nominees are Roman Catholics, the first such time in U.S. history.

However, in such an apparently close contest, the switch of even a few hundred thousand votes in the right states could well suck sufficient ballots away from Obama to swing next Tuesday's election toward the Republican ticket.

The breadth and specificity of this year's determined education effort by the church is unprecedented in the memory of many close church observers. (snip)

Under American tradition any church would be unlikely to explicitly dictate to or advise followers on which candidates or parties to choose in an election, such as next Tuesday's presidential decision.

However, since Republican Mitt Romney has promised, if elected, to begin issuing exemptions and repealing ObamaCare on Day One, it doesn't take a theology degree to figure out which candidate the Roman Catholic hierarchy would prefer to deal with as president beginning next Jan. 20.

So, as early voting began this month, Catholic publications, dioceses and individual parishes began distributing millions of pieces of literature advising members, in the words of Philadelphia's Archbishop Charles Chaput, "to make sure that they're Catholic prior to being Democrat or Republican."

In an interview with EWTN the Global Catholic Network, the archbishop said, "We do believe in the separation of church and state. But we don't believe in the separation of faith from political life. It's very important for Catholics to make distinctions when voting that they never support intrinsic evils like abortion, which is evil in all circumstances."

For the non-Catholics and irreligious, there are Some surprising Romney endorsements from major newspapers that endorsed Obama in 2008 (hat tip Instapundit):

The New York Daily News:

Revival of the U.S. as a land of opportunity and upward mobility is the central challenge facing the next President. The question for Americans: Who is more likely to accomplish the mission - Barack Obama or Mitt Romney?

Four years ago, the Daily News endorsed Obama, seeing a historic figure whose intelligence, political skills and empathy with common folk positioned him to build on the small practical experience he would bring to the world's toughest job. We valued Obama's pledge to govern with bold pragmatism and bipartisanship.

The hopes of those days went unfulfilled. (snip)

The regrettable truth is that Obama built a record of miscalculations and missed opportunities. (snip)

Romney's approach is the stronger.

Critically, he has tailored his policies to create jobs, jobs, jobs. (snip)

Romney's approach is the stronger.

Critically, he has tailored his policies to create jobs, jobs, jobs.

Newsday, the biggest newspaper on Long Island, hard hit by Hurricane Sandy:

Had Barack Obama done the job of president with the same passion and vision he displayed in seeking it, he would likely deserve another term. He did not.

Against this we must weigh Mitt Romney, an imperfect candidate but one who has a special track record too. From his creation of a vast personal fortune to his successful stewardship of the threatened Salt Lake City Olympics to his governing of Massachusetts, Romney's life is a tale of success after success, many of them achieved in difficult circumstances.

Romney's potential to put America back to work earns him our endorsement.

And most surprising of all, The Wisconsin State Journal, published in Madison, Wisconsin, the Berkeley of the Midwest, fondly known as Mad City:

Not enough hope and too little change.

That is President Barack Obama's record on the economy, debt and Washington gridlock after four years in the White House.

The State Journal editorial board endorses Mitt Romney in Tuesday's presidential election.

Romney showed as the Republican governor of Democratic-leaning Massachusetts that he can find agreement across the partisan divide. And his vice presidential pick - Wisconsin's U.S. Rep. Paul Ryan, R-Janesville - suggests Romney is serious about tackling America's fiscal mess.

Romney has an impressive record of success in the private and public sectors. He's a numbers guy who focuses more on results than ideology. That's why so many of his fellow Republicans during the GOP primary criticized him for not being conservative enough.

The only remaining question to be answered on Tuesday is how many former Obama supporters will abandon him. Nobody is maintaiining the the president's performance in office has won over new support. The quetsion is how big will the rush away from him be.

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