Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Abortion

It's time we conservative women speak out and speak candidly; no matter how uncomfortable it may make our constituents. I'm not pure and I'm not perfect. Possibly, women need to admit exactly how radical we have become and how easily influenced we are in our youth. From the latest fashion fads such as hair extensions to butt enhanced jeans, to push up bras and trying to appear like a photo shopped cover of a magazine, we must admit we are more easily influenced by marketing campaigns than we'd like to acknowledge. 

All this pressure while obtaining advanced degrees in college at record numbers. Did a nine dollar birth control pill truly play a part in this election? It would appear the Obama campaign claimed the war against women as truth.

After seeing the numbers for Obama from women this past election, it's time we conservative women send a message from the skeletons in our closets and explain why we stand where we do. Possibly, we can enlighten the generation of women coming up after us. It doesn't matter whether or not they are conservative. Women are women.  In both parties alike, we confront the same problems. Maybe, they can learn from our mistakes.

Roe vs. Wade changed us all, myself included, despite the fact that I became a young woman twenty some odd years after the court ruling.  My body! My choice!  From what I heard, men marched along side women to assure they could abort their own baby. While my opinion of the men who marched has now changed, back when I was an eighteen-year old girl, those men ruled. How enlightening!  Today, I don't feel the same. Men marched with woman against the very essence of womanhood and women embraced them. 

Like many others, I did have an abortion.  In fact, my so-called procedure occurred on my eighteenth birthday.  I never recovered and thankfully so.  As my young sons make cards and gifts for me on my birthday, I have not forgotten what I have done and I pray I never will. When I am alone, I realize I made a God-like decision to end the life of someone else.  While it's legally and socially acceptable, it went against my very essence as a woman. I was certainly was not aware of that while making my youthful decision. 

Planned Parenthood has assured young women that what they are doing is only eliminating a bad night; a bad boyfriend; a mistake; some fetal tissue. You, as a woman, have a choice to play God.

It's a burden that should not be bestowed upon us.

As I look back, all I have is regret.  Regret that this choice was in my hands at all. Of course, at eighteen, the world began and ended with myself. I didn't understand who I was as a woman. 

Woman gives birth.  This is what we do. I turned my back on my morals, my God, my body and my Country.  I aborted the "Life" written in the Declaration of Independence.

I'm aware I'm not alone in my guilt; hence websites such as which offers women help for the guilt they feel after an abortion.  Planned Parenthood still denies there are any psychological effects to an abortion. But playing God is never easy, despite what this looney group of women has to say..

I still do have faith in women that, like myself, they will grow, get educated and realize a vote for a nine dollar pill and an abortion could have been a vote for the demise of the greatest nation ever created: That once again, like padded bras was going to change our lives and did not, that another marketing campaign disguised as leadership would fail them yet again. I hope they see that abortion is the real war against women. They ask us to rip the very life from inside of ourselves, to deny what our bodies can do. 

And, no matter who marches with us, it is OUR bodies which experience the procedure, our hearts which feel the pain, even while a liberal man walks besides us supporting that decision and holding our hand.

I hope they see that playing God with any life is a burden too heavy to endure. The pain in my heart is old but still endures. I am not a god. I was simply a stupid, frightened kid and society allowed me to walk away from the bed I made at the cost of another's life.  

If we as Conservative Women do not uphold the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, then we are all doomed.

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