The Amnesty Sell-Out

If you want to know what open borders Republicans will sound like when they betray this nation's sovereignty, take it from the horse's mouth: Carlos Gutierrez, head of Mitt Romney's Hispanic outreach, told CNN's Candy Crowley, "[T]he far right of this party has taken the party to a place that it doesn't belong."

What Gutierrez is saying is very instructive: He is demonstrating that Republicans will have to belittle the silent majority in order to cave on immigration. You simply can't normalize illegal activity unless you defame the people who maintain the norm. In this case, people who believe that our border matters will have to be ridiculed and marginalized.

At least the battle lines are being drawn. Gutierrez is speaking for a group of Republican elites who want to redefine decent people as "far right." This is clearly an insult directed towards those people who believe that our nation's border should be respected, who are sick of stagnating wages and racial preferences, and who believe that we shouldn't reward illegal activity.

Gutierrez also said that he supports a "process for legalization of workers who are here undocumented," meaning "some sort of legalization." You can tell someone favors ethnic pandering and amnesty when they use the word "undocumented." People could be in the country illegally, but we're just going to act like they left their paperwork back at the house.

"Undocumented" is an inaccurate and dishonest way of describing illegal aliens. Even the Associated Press refuses to use "undocumented":

Many illegal immigrants aren't "undocumented" at all; they may have a birth certificate and passport from their home country, plus a U.S. driver's license, Social Security card, or school ID. What they lack is the fundamental right to be in the United States.

The GOP could use some of the AP's spine.

It is disturbing that an influential Republican is buying into the euphemisms and thought processes of the far left. Now, Gutierrez's super PAC is organizing to turn Republicans into another open borders party. Since Gutierrez did such a fantastic job bringing in the Hispanic vote for Mitt Romney, he is now in an ideal position to lecture the rest of us on what it takes to win over Hispanics. In making his pandering pitch, Gutierrez more than half way buys into the left-wing open borders ideology.

"We are the party of growth, of prosperity, of tolerance," he said. One wonders why he didn't go all in and call people racist for believing we should have a border. 

Instead of trying to out-tolerance liberals, conservatives should be explaining how the word tolerance has been redefined, abused, and turned into an anti-white, anti-Christian, anti-borders weapon. The chant of "tolerance" is a warning signal of terrible close-mindedness and rigid liberal orthodoxy.

"[T]he far right of this party has taken the party to a place that it doesn't belong," claims Gutierrez. Evidently he's referring to the rotten state of affairs where we have immigration laws. If you believe in the rule of law, and believe that the integrity of the border matters, then you are taking a political party "to a place that it doesn't belong." If pandering elites say the Republican party "doesn't belong" supporting immigration laws, then people who favor immigration laws might wonder whether they belong in the Republican party.


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