Welcome to the USA; Third world nation

It's official - the United States of America has become a third world nation.

Tens of thousands on the East Coast are still without electricity, are coping with a fuel shortage that could last for weeks and are lacking access to basic necessities such as food, health care and shelter; FEMA, the government agency in charge of providing these necessities closes down when a slight storm is forecast while New York's Mayor Michael Bloomberg refuses to allow the National Guard to patrol the crime ridden streets despite the pleas of local officials because he believes only the police should have guns; the overwhelmed Red Cross is unable to help much.  

But never fear, foreign help is on the way. 

Médecins Sans Frontières/
Doctors Without Borders is presently providing vital medical care to countries suffering from "man made disasters"  eg, wars, violence and ethnic strife in such countries  as Syria, Sudan and Honduras or enduring natural ones such as flooding in Pakistan or drought in Chad. And now they're working in the U.S according to Breitbart. 

In its first mission in the United States, Médecins Sans Frontières/Doctors Without Borders is helping victims of superstorm Sandy which devastated much of the New York metropolitan area. In a makeshift clinic in a laundry room in Far Rockaway, a hard-hit section of Queens, doctors, nurses and medical students assess patients and help them get much needed medication.

As the organization's website further explains

Doctors Without Borders/Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) teams, working alongside local community groups, are providing medical and mental health care to Hurricane Sandy-affected communities in the New York City boroughs of Brooklyn, Queens, and Staten Island, as well as Hoboken, New Jersey. The vast majority of the patients treated by MSF in the shelters and underserved communities have been elderly, homeless, or physically or mentally impaired.

And one foreign country is sending help. Israel, which has gratefully received needed aid from the United States, has returned the favor even as  rockets and artillery shells are landing within Israel's own borders.

Israel Flying Aid, the Israeli global humanitarian organization which was first to land in Haiti following the 2010 earthquake, has been distributing large supplies of gas to hospitals, food, batteries and generators to Hurricane Sandy victims. "We have many years of disaster relief experience," said Israel Flying Aid North American Operations Manager Moti Kahana.

"Israel Flying Aid, in having Israelis on the ground here in New York and New Jersey, have made Israel the only foreign nation to provide humanitarian assistance to the US during this disaster. We are working in coordination with FEMA, local police, the American Red Cross and Jewish communities in New York, New Jersey and Connecticut."

Meanwhile, all across the USA

A record 70.4 million people were enrolled in the Medicaid health care program for the poor in fiscal year 2011, according to government figures provided to CNSNews.com. That figure equals about 22 percent of the population, which means there was one person on Medicaid for every 5 Americans in 2011.

According to CMS statistics, Medicaid has been growing rapidly since 2008, going from 62.8 million total enrollees to 70.4 million in 2011. Prior to 2008, Medicaid rolls had remained relatively stable, going from 60.1 million in 2005 to just 60.9 million in 2007.

While Medicaid rolls would be expected to rise during a recession, as they did in 2008 and 2009, the last recession ended in June 2009 and Medicaid rolls have expanded faster than during the 2005-2008 period. Medicaid rolls have grown by 5.2 million Americans since 2009 - when the recession ended and the economy began to grow again slightly. Despite a period of modest gains in employment and economic growth, Medicaid rolls have grown to their record high of 70.4 million Americans.

They joined  the record 46.6 million American people on food stamps.

And what was the newly re elected leader of the country doing as  so many of its citizens are suffering?  

President Barack Obama is spending his first Saturday after winning reelection on the golf course. Today's outing is to the course on Andrews Air Force Base.

Yep, the USA is a third world nation.

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