Give Self-Defense a Chance

After Sandy Hook, Wayne LaPierre, the head of the NRA, wants to offer an armed guard at any school that wants one.  A guard might have saved twenty children's and six adults' lives in Newtown.  Isn't that worth the risk?  If John Lennon had had a bodyguard with a gun, he might still be singing, "Give peace a chance."  Or maybe "give self-defense a chance."

The liberals who turn up their noses at LaPierre turn their noses into the stench of collaborative  death.  Negligence is wrongful opinion.  Failure is dogmatic insistence.  What makes them assume that an armed guard wouldn't have saved lives at Sandy Hook?  If there was even that possibility, then we have the responsibility to protect our children.

The media would rather allow the worst to happen in our schools than give the right wing a chance to offer solutions.  LaPierre is too practical for liberals, who want good-intentioned failed ideology.  They mock ideas that don't fit into the progressive mold.

Liberals never mention that in 2000, President Clinton asked for 60 million dollars to fund Cops in School.  That was all right.  That was Clinton.  Clinton is moral (ahem, ahem, except for Monica and failing to pick up Osama in the Sudan).

People complain that with the economy in such bad shape, we can't afford armed guards.  I recommend that we fire one teacher in each school to pay for the guards.  Which is more important: that the failed teachers and their unions crank out one more undereducated student or that we replace a weak teacher with an armed guard who could save twenty-six lives? 

A couple more students divided up among each class is better than a school of corpses.  There is a war going on.  Why show up to the battle against evil with children, unarmed educators, and no weapons?  

Hollywood creates the cool culture of violence.  Yet it criticizes the conservatives who try to  stop that same violence.  There is nothing sexy about a person practicing marksmanship at a gun range.  But Angelina Jolla or Bruce Willis with a gun?  It's like the pornography of violence.

LaPierre points out that the causes for school shootings are not guns.  Video games, environmental disasters, and gun-free school zones are causative.  They are the result of minds warped by the culture of violence. 

Liberals ignore causes and look at the means of assault.  The means are relevant but not causative.  The ideology of violence, like the weakness of liberalism, causes limp bodies.

John Lennon said, "Give peace a chance."  What LaPierre is saying is, "Give self-defense a chance."

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