A short note on Speaker Boehner's expression

I had dinner guests and forgot to DVR the State of the Union, so I tuned in late. The picture of three politicians at center stage however gave me hope.

On the left was just plain dumb as a box of rocks Joe Biden, so obviously aware of the camera, trying to construct a facial expression that was supportive and reverent of his boss. In the middle, the bloviating President. On the right John Boehner, who sat for minutes on end with an incredible demeanor filled with utmost disdain for Obama, barely able to contain his fury, while Democrat lackeys applauded the President's lying uplifting platitudes about unleashing natural gas companies on lands that "we" own.

In Boehner's face, I saw a man pushed too far. Is he ready to say no to a big spending bully? Let's hope.

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