An innocent Sri Lankan maid is beheaded in Saudi Arabia

As James Lewis recently noted, Saudi Arabia is funding international death squads with an emphasis on hatred towards women.

The Saudis are using their billions to export 7th century Arabian barbarism to the rest of the world, and the Iranian mullahs across the Gulf are exporting their version to Iraq, Afghanistan, Lebanon, Gaza, and Syria. But basically it's two flavors of the same criminal ideology, which sanctifies rape and killing for the sake of Allah.

As any Muslim theocrat will tell you, women are responsible for being raped. If they cover their bodies properly and are always escorted by their fathers or brothers, they would not be raped. On the other hand, if they escape their home jails and shame the family honor they deserve death.

Because it doesn't fit their third world narrative of America bad, all others are oppressed by America good, President Barack Obama (D) and his feminist acolytes are blindly ignoring these outrages. But other "third world" countries, whose citizens have been victimized by the Saudis, are finally taking action. Thousands of women from poor Sri Lanka are working in Saudi Arabia as servants to wealthy Saudi families. Often victims of Saudi racism, they are sometimes brutally mistreated, imprisoned in their employer's home as virtual slaves and/or raped and battered.

Recently a young Sri Lankan woman was beheaded there after being found guilty of the death of a young Saudi child in her care. Prior to her tragic demise she was held in a Saudi prison for seven years with minimal legal help. She retracted a confession she claimed was extracted under pressure. The government of Sri Lanka has weakly retaliated, banning women under the age of 25 from working there.

Sri Lanka will limit the amount of women that go to Saudi Arabia to work as housemaids as outrage continues over Saudi Arabia's beheading of a Sri Lankan teen.

Officials this week raised the minimum age for female domestic workers so that no women under the age of 25 would be allowed to go to Saudi Arabia to work as a maid, said Kehelya Rambukwella, a government spokesman.

The move comes after the beheading of housemaid Rizana Nafeek that occurred earlier this month. Nafeek was 17 when a baby she was caring for in Saudi Arabia died. She was convicted of killing her employer's son in 2005. The family said she strangled the 4-month-old boy after being asked to bottle-feed him, but Nafeek said the infant accidentally choked on milk.

Saudi Arabia arrogantly brushed off the protests, calling it outside interference in its internal matters. The UN remains silent on this matter, busy condemning Israel and America for non existent outrages.

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