It's the Vanishing Ink, Stupid

We have all tried labeling the things that make the Obama administration troubling. This president was never sufficiently vetted and many questions remain unanswered. Everything about him is suspect. If he were any other president, especially a Republican he would not be in office.

The truth about his birth certificate, college records, selective service documents, and radical associations are well hidden. To even raise these legitimate questions, is to be vilified.

Not only are their questions about President Obama's past, we wonder about his integrity in the present. He has voided or modified almost every confidence he has given the legislature and the American people. He dishonored his signed agreement on abortion in ObamaCare. He has changed his stance on gay marriage and his claims that he will not take our guns ring hollow. How can he be trusted?

The Republicans never seem to win the argument or the battle. Maybe it is because they are tempered to take the president (any president) at his word. From this point forward they need to heed the words of a Democrat insider and act accordingly.

Evan Bayh said it best with his response to Chris Wallace on Fox News Sunday when asked about the president "moving the goal post" in the upcoming sequester:

EVAN BAYH, FORMER U.S. SENATOR, D-IND.: Well, he may be, Chris, but, as you know, in Washington some agreements are written in blood and others are written in vanishing ink. It is pretty clear this is one of the latter and, there was an intervening election and the president won and his popularity is very high right now. So it's not unexpected that he'd revisit the agreement and ask for something more to his liking.

We would do well to remember these words when we challenge this president. The question should always be asked. Is this one of those deals signed in vanishing ink?

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