New Horizons in 'Sensitivity'

Not that it will come as any surprise to most American Thinker readers but, a couple of weeks ago, Yale hosted a week-long workshop to foster "sensitivity" to such upstanding behaviors as bestiality, incest, and prostitution. And assuming adult-child sex and rape were not covered at this "training" session, never a wise assumption, look for those to rear their ugly heads openly in future conferences by these activists. NAMBLA is not going to sit back and accept their position as a pariah organization for long.

Attendees were surveyed on their sexual histories. Nine percent of participants admitted to having accepted payment for sexual favors, three percent confessed to bestiality, twelve percent had filmed their intercourse, and a whopping fifty-two percent had engaged in consensual pain. Only twenty-two percent of participants claimed to have never had sex with another person.

Allowing for my own skepticism at the reliability of most peoples' sexual claims, especially college-aged kids, I would have to say these results may very well be worthless. Payment comes in many forms and the comfort with which too many young women use their allure to pry open guys' wallets suggests nine percent may be an understatement. And the three percent who profess to prefer billy goats were probably just wise guys. But Yale continues to take this event very seriously.

This is so typical of the far left. It is never enough for other people to look the other way and tolerate their deviance. They demand that we go further and validate it.

It is true that, if a person wants to have consensual sex with their adult child or sibling, it is their business. But why must they advertise it? If he or she wants to go mattress surfing with a manatee, why not go at it in private? Note to self: manatees are semi-social and the left won't be satisfied without a herd around to indoctrinate. But, in all seriousness, the limits are not negotiable with minors and rape, no matter how many of these love fests take place in academia, and no matter how many times NAMBLA insists that man-boy love is consensual.

I still believe that most liberals would not try to argue that child sex and rape are open for debate. Instead, they simply avoid those two subjects for fear of exposing their preferred victims' dirty little secrets. That in itself is an admission that something is not right.

Marco Milaneci is an IT Compliance Program Manager at a Fortune 500 company. He can be reached at mmblog [at]

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