The Gay Craze Hits Pro Sports

Reuters reported yesterday that not one player in major pro team sports has boldly, proudly proclaimed himself as gay.  The story's particular focus is on the NFL, which, of course, oozes masculinity (like the military) and, hence, needs to be gay-ized and feminized (in terms of eliminating nasty old contact that leads to big booboos).

The left is stepping up its focus on gays in pro team sports as part of its game plan to prove to average Americans (especially those macho sports fans) that gayness isn't just the province of flower shops and HGTV.  Masculinity is under assault (as it has been) and must be redefined.  Bye, bye bold colors, beer swilling, and locker room humor; hello pastels, chardonnay, and girl and gay chat.       

Gay-ized is about the only thing that the left can hawk in pro sports at the present.  Feminization - as in shoehorning women onto pro sports teams isn't tenable.  There's still too much of that disagreeable, old fashioned merit remaining in pro sports; science hasn't gotten to the point where it can genetically manipulate women to be bigger, stronger, and agile enough to compete with the "boys" on the old grid-iron.  Don't the left and feminists wish? 

As Russ Vaughn pointed out on American Thinker's pages earlier, there are plenty of injuries - and illness - coming out of gay bathhouses.  Quite a misnomer, "bathhouse."  It suggests cleanliness.  Bathhouses should be called "incubators" - for HIV, hepatitis, and meningitis, among other unsavory communicable diseases - diseases that aren't necessarily confined to the gay community, as we learned grimly from the spread of HIV starting in the 1980s.        

The Los Angeles Times reported back in late December that gays are still feeling mighty unwelcome in pro team sports.    

Scribbles Times' reporter Kevin Baxter:

Even though public opposition to same-sex marriage and gay rights is rapidly eroding [on the coasts and in blue states], the locker rooms and clubhouses of the country's four major sports leagues remain among the last bastions of homophobia in the U.S.  [Commentary added]

Perhaps athletes are just being guys, Kev.  Anyone who's played sports or been around athletes knows that guy athletes are macho dudes.  That's them - that's a lot of guys who don't play sports.  A lot of guys don't share gay or feminine sensibilities.  That doesn't make them "homophobic," Kev.  A shattering reality for the gay, feminist, and lib crowd - that guys want to be guys.  And, yes, a lot of that is nature, not nurture.  So very sorry, Kev.      

More from Baxter, including a bit of license:

Consider the numbers. About 4,000 players spent time on active rosters in the NBA, NHL, NFL and Major League Baseball in 2012. With the best estimates of the gay/bisexual population in U.S. ranging from 2% to 10%, it's likely many of those 4,000 athletes are gay or bisexual.

Do your research, Kev, or deep-six the deceit.  That 10% figure (of the U.S. population being gay) is fraudulent, a deliberate misleading by gay activists and their allies to give the appearance of a greater homosexual population for political purposes.  Gays comprise about 2%-3% or so of the nation's 310 million citizens, according to the best current data.

Masculinity isn't a disease to be wiped out in men.  Masculinity is part of who men are, as femininity is part of who women are.  Hardwiring, folks.  Hardwiring.    

We're different, men and women, and gays are anomalies (significant deviations from the norm).  That's not written pejoratively; just factually.  The preponderant heterosexual population doesn't need to twist itself into pretzels - make itself more gay - to accommodate gays.  Men don't need to be more feminine to please gays or feminists.  Women don't need to live up to feminist stereotypes of what a woman should be.

How about basic individual rights for all Americans - and nix the social engineering in sports and every other aspect of life? 

We'd all get along a lot better then. 

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