Cuba's 'ladies in white' finally get an important recognition

For years, "Las damas en blanco" (The Ladies in White) have marched for freedom in Cuba.  They walk peacefully every Sunday and call for freedom in Cuba.  Some of these ladies have husbands and sons in political prisons.

This is from The Miami Herald:

"The Ladies in White were awarded the Sakharov Prize for Freedom of Thought in 2005, but Cuban authorities did not allow them to travel to Brussels to pick it up. A change in Cuban travel rules in January meant they could finally travel to Europe."

The "ladies" started marching after the infamous  "crackdown of 2003" also known as Cuba's Black Spring.  It was a repressive moment largely overlooked by the US media and specially the "Hollywood-ies" who travel to Cuba for "eye to eye" sessions with Fidel.

We are happy that the ladies are getting recognition.  They represent one of the most remarkable human rights movements in the world.    They've faced insults and physical attacks from government thugs.  Nevertheless, they are marching, and their numbers are growing, every Sunday after mass.

Again, the lack of interest for the "ladies" in the US feminist movement or Hollywood is amazing!


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