The most shocking news you won't see in the MSM today

The murder trial of abortionist Kermit Gosnell largely is being ignored by the mainstream media, even in the face of grisly testimony, such as what we heard yesterday. Life News reports:

...a former employee described how she heard a baby scream during a live-birth abortion.

Abortion clinic employee Sherry West described an incident which "really freaked (her) out" and related to the jury how she heard a child who was born alive following an abortion scream.

West remembered how she referred to the dead children killed in these gruesome abortion procedures as "specimens" so she could avoid the mental trauma associated with know how they died.  As local media reported:

Sherry West, of Bear, said she was loyal to Gosnell - who is now facing multiple counts of murder for allegedly killing children after they were delivered alive at his clinic - but said the incident "really freaked me out."

When Assistant District Attorney Joanne Pescatore pressed the 53-year-old West for specifics about the incident, West struggled to answer, clearly uncomfortable with the memory.

"I can't describe it. It sounded like a little alien," West testified, telling a judge and Philadelphia Court of Common Pleas jury that the body of the child was about 18 to 24 inches long and was one of the largest babies she had seen delivered during abortion procedures at Gosnell's clinic.

West said she saw the child, whose face and features were not yet completely formed, lying on a glass tray on a shelf and she told a co-worker to call Gosnell about it and fled the room.

During her two years working for Gosnell, West said she also saw patients deliver "specimens" in the toilet, which she made a co-worker remove, adding she called aborted fetuses "specimens" because "it was easier to deal with mentally."

The MSM cannot mentally deal with this trial either, mainly because they realize it exposes the logical destination of the euphemistically titled "pro-choice" movement. You should be allowed to choose whether or not to allow your child to live. So they are hiding Gosnell's atrocities from the public despite the compelling nature of the news itself.

Update. Mark Steyn points out that the British press is "doing the job American media won't do." He adds:

The U.S. media's unanimous agreement to see no evil is sick and totalitarian. A very small consolation is that, with news judgments like these, the wretched American press is doing a pretty good job of sawing through its own neck.

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