Boycott Mike Lupica?

See also: Talk radio turmoil

Ah yes, where better to get insightful and intelligent social commentary than from George Costanza's favorite sports writer. ESPN's Mike Lupica just couldn't help himself when it came to the recent NRA convention in Houston. In his column today  he managed to insult not only NRA members, Sarah Palin, and Wayne LaPierre, but millions of gun-loving Americans as well.

Sounding as if he were describing himself, Lupica writes that the NRA convention attendees are "mean, dumb" and "angry." He painted those who cheered the comments of Sarah Palin as "phonies" and said that all Palin did was "turn herself out for the craziest and creepiest gun lovers on the planet."

Lupica assailed Governor Palin's supposed "spectacular lack of talent [that] has made her virtually unemployable on television." He attacked LaPierre as "nothing more than a cheap, dangerous demagogue, constantly trying to act as if he and an association that represents an amazingly small percentage of gun owners in this country are the ones who represent the heart and soul of America...LaPierre isn't a patriot, he's a pimp."

Lost in his own hypocrisy, Lupica laments the "politicizing" of recent American tragedies in Boston and Newtown. Yet in mid-January of this year, a Lupica piece urging action on gun-control legislation contained, in the title of the piece no-less, the phrase "for the families of Newtown, before the moment is lost."

At the top of the fold on Drudge today is a headline pondering whether Rush Limbaugh is going to depart WABC. Much of the speculation about Rush's future is due to an incident last year where he, on air, called Sandra Fluke a "slut" because of her efforts speaking before the U.S. Congress in favor of mandated health coverage for birth control.

The liberal media went nuts and pressed advertisers to drop his show. According to the New York Daily News (where Lupica is also employed), several hundred--including Sears, Geico, John Deere, Netflix, and Capital One--complied. Rush's people claim that the advertisers that left were replaced. Nevertheless, there is some tension here.

Now here's the real question. Will advertisers for the sporting giant that is ESPN get the same kind of pressure over Lupica's comments--which insult millions--as did Rush's advertisers? Will there be calls for ESPN to fire Lupica?

Is calling someone a slut worse than calling them "mean, dumb, phony pimps?" I mean, how much difference is there between a slut and a pimp? I guess the liberal media will let us know.

Trevor Grant Thomas; At the Intersection of Politics, Science, Faith, and Reason

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