Intentional Irresponsibility

The Obama Administration's attempt to deny involvement in any of the recent scandals is both intentional and possibly mortally wounding.

The executive branch of the United States government is out of control, while Americans wonder who is responsible. But getting here was no accident. Growing up in the 1960's, the mantra of the left was to "over-throw the establishment." When asked what might replace it, young radicals told us they had no idea. You were either "part of the problem or part of the solution." The rank of community organizers rose to change "the system." But what if one actually rose to run the system? At that point, he himself would have to take responsibility, right? Wrong.

President Obama and those around him have attempted to run a permanent campaign, posing as outsiders attempting to change the system, even while running it. Like left-wing rulers abroad, they speak the language of revolution and people-centered politics, while undermining restraints on power. When confronted with abuses like "Fast and Furious," Benghazi, the IRS scandal or AP wire-tapping, they feign ignorance or outrage after the fact. President Obama told the American people he "found out about it when you did."  Hillary Clinton said "What difference at this point does it make?" David Axelrod said it was because  "The government was too big." David Plouffe seemed to dismiss the IRS scandal because he claimed conservatives "could still raise money" and did.  And always, President Obama says he will get to the bottom of every scandal and make sure it never happens again. His spokesman says scandals are either " a long time ago," or matters that must "wait until all the evidence is in." Yet the public waits for answers that never seem to come.

Much of this is intentional. When a political movement runs a permanent campaign, denying that it ever has become the establishment, that movement is declaring a message hidden in plain sight and it is this: It has no intention of ever taking responsibility for the bad decisions it makes. The left is running a permanent revolution with hopes that the voting public will never recognize its negative and painful results. One of their primary methods is by making sure they never take responsibility for what happens under their watch. When Rahm Emmanuel said "Never allow a crisis to go to waste," he was touting a double opportunity for the left. Absorb additional power and create the overwhelming illusion that those in power are continuing an inevitable revolution, one that is all about change and little to do with governing.

Richard Nixon resigned. Ronald Reagan said he was "'wrong" about Iran-Contra. Bill Clinton was impeached. But does anyone believe that the Obama administration has any intention of admitting wrong-doing? Perhaps the sheer evidence yet to be revealed will compel such an admission. But with a less adversarial media and their own political history, the Obama administration is likely to resist doing so until the last possible moment. If so, they will prove not to have learned the most important lesson of all. It's the cover-up, not the crime, that does the most damage.

Jay Haug is a free-lance writer living in Ponte Vedra Beach, Florida and author of Beyond the Flaming Sword. You may contact him at

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