Liberal Ghouls Exploit Deaths

1975 : Tornado Outbreaks Blamed On Global Cooling | Real Science

Notice what's missing in the above article?

No politician is using the death of over 300 people to try and score cheap political points of the floor of the Senate as the feckless Senator from Rhode Island, Democrat Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse did yesterday with the 91 who died in Oklahoma.

The Daily Caller » Democratic Senator uses Okla. tornado for anti-GOP rant over global warming » Print

Whether it's booing attendees at a funeral for Senator Wellstone. - Tone of Wellstone memorial generates anger - Oct. 31, 2002


Booing Governor Jan Brewer at a memorial service for the victims of the Longhner shooting.

Lefties Boo AZ Gov. Jan Brewer at Memorial For Giffords Shooting Victims Dem Pep Rally... | Weasel Zippers


Reacting to the death of a past Prime Minister of England, who had been out of office for over 20 years. Police injured and arrests made as hundreds 'celebrated' death of Margaret Thatcher - Telegraph

Many Liberals tend to be disgusting, petty, small minded, politics first last and always people. Senator Whitehouse is merely the latest.

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