Progressive Propaganda Machine to the rescue of Rahmbo

Rahm Emanuel has discovered that being Mayor of Chicago is hard, and his popularity way down: From the Chicago Tribune:

Mayor Rahm Emanuel faces growing voter disenchantment, particularly among African-Americans, even as the overall number approving of his job performance holds steady at the halfway point of his first term, a new Tribune/WGN-TV poll shows

Lucky for him so many highly-placed progressives stand ready to create the illusion of a capable, even heroic man. From InsideTV:

CNN has ordered a documentary series looking at the challenges faced by the city of Chicago.

In Chicagoland, executive producers Robert Redford and Laura Michalchyshyn team withBrick City filmmakers Marc Levin and Mark Benjamin in an eight-part series about "a city generating change and innovation in social policy, education, and public safety - to meet national and local challenges."

According to CNN's release, Chicagoland will capture "the riveting, real-life drama of a city looking to unite at this critical moment in the city's history. In the aftermath of a countrywide economic collapse, Chicago faces the challenges of improving its public education system, and neighborhood and youth safety. Can the city's leaders, communities, and residents come together in ways that expand opportunities and allow aspirations to be realized?"

One of the defining facts of contemporary American politics is that members of the Progressive Movement have come to occupy the commanding heights of information and culture, and act as propagandists in support of the Progressive agenda and its principal political agents. As that agenda fails in the real world, they are driven to ever more blatant paroxysms of propaganda, conservatives  must fight back with the very weapon St. Alinsky taught them: ridicule.

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