Remember 'The Summer of Recovery'? Now it's 'The summer of ObamaCare'

We just got word that President Obama will go on a marketing tour to sell ObamaCare.  He will focus on the benefits and all of those wonderful things around the corner when the law is finally implemented.  He will complete what Speaker Pelosi started: "We Have to Pass the Bill So That You Can Find Out What Is In It".  

Like "the summer or recovery" in 2010, my guess is that this tour will have to give away tickets to fill up the arena. 

The first problem is that law continues to be very unpopular.  Wonder how unpopular it will be when it finally gets implemented?  A new Rasmussen poll indicates that 45% Want Their Governor To Oppose Implementation of Health Care Law.

The second problem is that the federal government is totally unprepared for implementation.   In fact, they just missed another deadline:

"Under President Obama's 2010 health law, the government officials in charge of keeping Medicaid afloat have until Tuesday to report whether costs for the fiscally foundering program will exceed expectations.

But they won't have anywhere to send their report.

That's because the Independent Payment Advisory Board - perhaps the most controversial entity created under Obama's law - still doesn't exist."

The third problem is that most people were actually happy with their policies.  They will be unhappy when they are hit with reality that they won't be able to keep their policies.  Just listen to what Mr Joe Hansen, union leader, recently said:

""It makes an untruth out of what the president said -- that if you like your insurance, you could keep it," said Joe Hansen, president of the United Food and Commercial Workers International Union. "That is not going to be true for millions of workers now."

My guess is that "The summer of ObamaCare" will go the way of that "Summer of Recovery" show that never got off the ground.

Sorry but you can't sell a bad product.  ObamaCare is a very bad product.  Just ask some of the unions looking for a lifeboat to get out of this Titanic incredibly called The Affordable Health Care Act.

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