The 'wink, wink, nod, nod' style of governance

When you appoint a "butcher" a "baker" or a "candlestick" not be surprised when meat is cut, bread rises, or paraffin is molded and wicked.

There may not have been any need for "direct instruction" for the IRS miscreants, and thus, to look for such evidence may be futile. 

What is clear and what must be emphasized is that the appointments of persons with the proclivity for such malfeasance are where the crime and responsibility lay. 

This is how it works.  It is the wink wink, nod nod following the clarification of where the appointee stands on politics and also where he stands on what will be done at any cost.  Once that is clear, no further traceable communication is necessary.

So who suggested the IRS appointment?  And who empowered that person who did the appointing?  This is the real trail, and much more traceable. 

Geithner exited.  Axelrod exited.  Coincidence?

Obama has "appointed" Valerie Jarrett and David Axelrod to positions of power and influence and as this "power and influence" is dispensed, the unspoken directives are imbedded in the Alinskyite beliefs and tactics as well as in the Progressive Left's impetus to achieve their goals at any cost to honesty or ethics.

Obama may have actually not known the unfair treatment of conservatives by the IRS.

However, he may have suspected or even expected such. He perpetuated the acrimony towards such groups and delighted in their mischaracterizations. As it may be impolite to point with a finger at the "targets", Obama certainly pointed with his elbow.

He has surrounded himself with those who would seemingly delight in the hijinks that hamstrung some conservative groups and some might say even swayed the election.  To have prior knowledge or to have directed these activities is one issue.  To expect such activity via your appointments is the true crux of the matter.

Trace the appointment chain and the trail will lead to the culprits.  It will reveal the epicenter of a nefarious mindset imbedded in this current administration and thus also yield those truly responsible.

Bruce Johnson

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