Honoring Heroes of Conservatism: The Daniel Award

The prophet Daniel displayed tremendous faith and courage when he refused to bow down in worship to the king's false god.  Sentenced to death for his defiance, Daniel was thrown into the lions' den.

My fellow Americans, under the unprecedented bullying of the Obama administration, our constitutional rights are being repealed.  Daring to challenge Obama's socialist/progressive agenda has dire consequences, which include personal destruction implemented by his henchmen in the mainstream media.

Even while in the midst of congressional oversight investigative hearings, the extraordinarily arrogant Obama administration continues to use every governmental agency at its disposal to, as Obama said, "punish our enemies" (conservatives and Republicans).

In cahoots with Obama implementing his socialist/progressive agenda, the thuggish mainstream media keeps its boot on our necks, enforcing political correctness and suppressing conservatives' free speech.

It is infuriating that Obama and the MSM have successfully intimidated many Americans into sheepish silence on their sacred issues.  Americans know: don't go there, or it is your derrière.  Be prepared for swift, vicious retribution, public humiliation, and total personal destruction.

I have established the Daniel Award honoring eagles who have the courage and strength of character to refuse to be silenced or bow down to false gods -- political correctness, liberalism, and Obama.

Remington Reimer: High School Valedictorian Defends Freedom of Speech.

High school valedictorian Remington Reimer made national news for defiantly mentioning God in his graduation speech.  The school cut off Reimer's microphone.

State and federal law forbids Reimer's high school from censoring his speech.  They tried, but Reimer stood strong, standing up for our First-Amendment rights.  Now, the P-Oed school is trying to punish this courageous, brilliant young man by threatening to ruin his Naval Academy appointment.  Do you see the arrogance and evil we are dealing with, folks?  The left says screw the Constitution -- if we say do not mention God, we mean it

Courageous youths such as Reimer offer us hope for the future.  I am extremely honored to make Remington Reimer the premiere recipient of a Daniel Award.

Matt Birk: Super Bowl Champ Says No to Obama Invite in Defense of the Unborn.

The Baltimore Ravens were invited to visit President Obama at the White House in celebration of their Super Bowl win. Ravens former center Matt Birk declined the invite.  Birk said he could not stomach Obama invoking God in his speech to Planned Parenthood.  Birk said one cannot say "God bless you" to Planned Parenthood; he called Obama's words a "contradiction," noting that the organization was responsible for aborting nearly 300,000 babies last year.

Brother Birk, I advise that you watch your back and stay prayed up.  Nobody disses Obama and gets away with it.  I proudly award this brave stand-up guy, Matt Birk, a Daniel Award.

Robert Kraft: Pro Football Team Owner Signs Tim Tebow for His Spirituality.

Talk about thinking outside the box and challenging political correctness: New England Patriots owner Bob Kraft signed quarterback Tim Tebow because of Tebow's "spirituality" and great attitude.

Kraft calls Tebow a "winner."  Folks, while Kraft's reasoning may not seem like a big deal to you, in the current climate of American pro sports, this is huge.  Sports commentators along with the mainstream media have viciously and relentlessly demeaned and trashed Tebow for daring to speak publicly regarding his spirituality (Christianity).

Meanwhile, over-the-hill basketball player Jason Collins (34), who lied to his fiancée for 8 years about his sexuality, instantly became a media darling for publicly announcing that he is gay.  The media promoted Collins, calling him an extremely "brave" hero.  Collins even received a phone call of congratulations from President Obama.  And yet, the same media that showered Collins with praise demands that Tebow shut up about his faith.

Thank you, Mr. Kraft, for having the courage to celebrate traditional wholesome values displayed in Tim Tebow.  I celebrate you with a Daniel Award.

My fellow Americans, brother and sister patriots, like yours, my heart is heavy for America.  Government has become a huge, all-powerful, evil, destructive, and unstoppable Leviathan, consuming all of our freedoms and liberties and punishing all opposition.

Folks, we need millions of Daniels fighting the good fight to take back our country: bold, courageous Americans willing to risk everything.  Such courage is not easily summoned.  This is why I pray daily that when called upon, I will have the courage and faith in God to stand and walk tall.  I also pray daily for God's wisdom, strength, and guidance regarding how best to restore America.

As heroes/Daniels emerge, I will honor them.  Hopefully, their courage will inspire you to do the same.

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