Obama's Agenda: Big Government Solutions in Search of Crises

Health care crisis, gun violence, homophobia, Islamophobia, predatory bankers, rising sea levels, droughts, floods, blizzards, hurricanes, earthquakes, tornadoes, landscapers, restaurant workers and domestic engineers going without Cadillac health insurance, disability and food stamps and government subsidized housing...  "the sky is falling, the sky is falling".

My God it's tiresome living in the sorriest country in the history of the planet!  After a couple of news cycles, a visitor to our humble nation from another universe would expect to find people dying in the streets from disease and neglect, assuming of course, that they were lucky enough to escape the gun violence that constitutes "just another weekend in the Windy City".  They would expect to see roving gangs of white conservative Tea Party affiliated vigilantes and bankers that look like the Monopoly dude lynching homosexuals, Mexicans and Muslims, and God help a homosexual Mexican Muslim.   

Tsunamis washing over Manhattan, Los Angeles and South Beach (I mean this as a bad thing.)  Tornadoes devastating trailer parks in flyover country, media dandies  interviewing the most toothless and illiterate rednecks they can find, hurricanes drowning and chasing poor blacks from cities that George W. Bush's FEMA refused to reinforce their levees and LGBT leather fiends fleeing from the next "big one" to strike San Francisco's Castro and Tenderloin districts.

Meanwhile real problems; unemployment, budget deficits, national debt further than Einstein could wrap his brain around, and "government gone wild" are swept under the carpet.  But don't worry about that national debt thing, Paul Krugman assures us we can address it right after President Obama fixes the unemployment thing.  Good to know Paul, thanks.

Mr. Obama has spent his first five years in office fixing problems that don't exist, and even more time "community organizing" to bring these "problems" to crisis state so that they must be "fixed".  This isn't leadership.  Mr. Obama may make a great head of the DNC some day, but as a President, he... really isn't very good (not my first choice of words here.)  I don't think he could lead a troop of Boy Scouts out of the woods with a map, a compass and a global positioning satellite.

The man who can't bring himself to utter the words Islamic and terrorism in the same sentence is all of a sudden trying to sell us on the idea that we must allow the NSA to record and warehouse all of our telephone and internet activity so we can prevent acts of terrorism.  Does he think we've already forgotten the Tsarnev brothers?  Oh, but they can't listen in on mosques without Papal (or FISA or Valerie Jarret or Huma Abedin or some other double secret dispensation?)  What the ...?

Of course anyone who heard his speech in Berlin could not be faulted for coming  away from it with the idea that the terrorists Mr. Obama is worried about aren't of the "foreign Islamic" stripe, but rather the "home grown anti-government" types.  That's right, us. 

Mr. Obama's Justice Department and FBI have done absolutely nothing to find out who the IRS criminals that illegally targeted, harassed, and provided private information to the political opponents of perfectly innocent American citizens for having the gall to oppose his agenda are, yet we are expected to "trust" these same institutions and individuals with the enforcement of Obamacare and equitably rationing the limited health care services that will be the inevitable result of it?

On the world stage Mr. Obama has done absolutely nothing to deter the nuclear ambitions of North Korea and Iran.  He has emboldened and armed the Islamist fanatics of the Maghreb and the Middle East.  The only thing he's come close to getting right is doing nothing in Syria beyond declaring his farcical "red line" until recently.  And now he's even screwing that up.

This man is a really bad episode of I Love Lucy.  Everything that can go wrong has.  If the rest of us did not have to live with the consequences of his actions it would all be quite amusing.  But we and the generations that follow us do.  I can only hope that we, as a nation, learn from our folly.      

We truly live in a world gone mad. 

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