House Dem wants investigation of Trayvon Martin death

Because there might be a pony in that pile of manure somewhere, if we look hard enough.

The Hill:

Rep. Luis Gutierrez said last year's shooting death of the unarmed teenager and Saturday's verdict "undermines the rule of law, erodes community trust in law enforcement, and exemplifies just how dangerous the combination of rampant fear and easily available guns can be."

In a July 15 letter to House Judiciary Chairman Bob Goodlatte (R-Va.), the Illinois Democrat urged the panel to hold hearings on both the Martin case and gun violence in general "as soon as possible."

"When any child is gunned down and no one goes to jail, it is incumbent on lawmakers at the highest level of government to investigate whether justice has been done, whether the underlying law is just, and whether federal legislation could help avoid another tragic death like the death of Trayvon Martin," wrote Gutierrez, who sits on the Judiciary Committee. "Even as crime has gone down across the nation, fear of crime, fear of violence, and fear of fellow Americans seems to be ever increasing."

Gutierrez criticized Goodlatte and other Republicans on the Judiciary panel for failing to examine any gun-violence issues this year, and he took a separate shot at GOP leaders for recently championing legislation that would empower local authorities to enforce federal immigration laws. That move, Gutierrez warned, will only exacerbate the distrust between law enforcement and the minority populations they're charged to serve.

"We need an open discussion about how to establish and grow cooperation between the local police and all sectors of the societies they protect," he wrote.

There's so much stupidity in this letter it's hard to know what to say, but surely the notion that the committee should investigate "whether the underlying law is just"  tops the list. I would quake with fright over Rep. Gutierrez's definition of "just" as it relates to this case and further reflect on the fantastical notion of the federal government dictating to a state what standard it should set for self-defense laws. 

Gutierrez doesn't want justice. He wants a circus. Perhaps he should put on a clown suit and try out for Ringling Brothers. He certainly won't get anywhere in Congress.

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