Obamacare: Hypocrisy on Outsourcing.

So visible is the President when he gives lip service to creating American jobs and vilifying the practice of outsourcing.  The coverage of this noble stance received significant media attention.  Mitt Romney was taken to task for his companies using foreign entities during the 2012 campaign.

Silence now. 

The New York Times reported on July 4th....

"Racing to meet an October deadline, Obama administration officials said Thursday that they had awarded a contract worth as much as $1.2 billion to a British company to help them sift applications for health insurance and tax credits under the new health care law.

The company, Serco, has extensive experience as a government contractor with the Defense Department and intelligence agencies, and it also manages air traffic control towers in 11 states and reviews visa applications for the State Department. But it has little experience with the Department of Health and Human Services or the insurance marketplaces, known as exchanges, where individuals and small businesses are supposed to be able to shop for insurance. "

File the outsourcing hypocrisy in the same room as the no lobbyists in or near my administration (Huma Abedin "consulting" while on State Department payroll), the getting to the bottom of the Benghazi raid, and the hard investigation launched by Holder and the FBI on the IRS to find out who did what and at whose direction. (FBI director at a loss to have any details regarding the matter.).

On and on it goes.  The lack of feasibility of the Affordable Care Act is now in full bloom, and fully unacknowledged and under reported. Poorly conceived policies and law shrouded in the disingenuous.   I guess liberals expect to be lied to.  That is why there is no outrage when it happens. It is so chic to be with Obama that there is no room to consider if  the adulation is grounded in honesty.  Liberals seem to refuse to examine their belief system.  Discovering that you have been misled, and then being forced to retool that which you hold true is a difficult task. Or, perhaps it is just too difficult to get that Obama Binden 2012 bumper sticker off the car.


Bruce Johnson



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