Racism from Turkey

Calling Jesse Jackson Senior! Calling Al Sharpton! Here is a legitimate opportunity to go beyond the borders of the United States and call out a country's leader for racism. 

Turkey, the crossroads between two continents, straddles southeastern Europe and far western Asia.  Although its population is mainly Muslim, ethnically they are not Arabs but mainly Turkish; about a fifth are Kurdish. Most are white.

One of President Barack Obama's (D) colleagues in the international arena, Turkey's Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, "described (by Obama) as one of the few leaders with whom he has developed bonds of trust"  has uttered a racist remark against black people; that they're not as good as white people.

According to Michael Rubin of Commentary:

Criticizing Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu, the leader of the center-left and secular Republican Peoples Party (CHP), Erdoğan declared, "Kılıçdaroğlu is striving every bit he can to raise himself from the level of a black person to the level of a white man." The Turkish word--Zenci--Erdoğan used is often used in a derogatory way.

As Rubin further noted

On a policy level, Erdoğan has worked to undercut sanctions on Iran and has embraced groups like Hamas and Hezbollah designated by the U.S. government to be terrorists. On a personal level, he has exposed himself as an anti-Semite and now a racist. Perhaps it's time for Obama to explain just what he sees in the Turkish premier. And perhaps it's time for the Congressional Turkey Caucus--several members of which are also in the Congressional Black Caucus--to ask Erdoğan just what he meant when he described his chief political opponent in decidedly racist tones.

OK, Jesse.  OK, Al.  Get to work. 

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