Shades of Watergate: Break-in at law offices representing State Department whistleblower

There was a break in over the weekend at the law firm that is representing a State Department whistleblower. The crime was caught on tape obtained by local Fox station KDFW.

Foreign Policy:

The firm Schulman & Mathias represents Aurelia Fedenisn, a former investigator at the State Department's Office of the Inspector General. In recent weeks, she raised a slew of explosive allegations against the department and its contractors ranging from illicit drug use, soliciting sexual favors from minors and prostitutes and sexual harassment.

"It's a crazy, strange and suspicious situation," attorney Cary Schulman told The Cable. "It's clear to me that it was somebody looking for information and not money. My most high-profile case right now is the Aurelia Fedenisn case, and I can't think of any other case where someone would go to these great lengths to get our information." 

According to the KDFW report, the firm was the only suite burglarized in the high-rise office building and an unlocked office adjacent was left untouched.

The State Department, which has repeatedly disputed Fedenisn's allegations, denied any involvement in the incident. "Any allegation that the Department of State authorized someone to break into Mr. Schulman's law firm is false and baseless," spokeswoman Jen Psaki said.

After assessing the surveillance footage, Schulman said he believed the motivations were likely political, but did not suspect department involvement. "It wasn't professional enough," he said. "It is possible that an Obama or Hillary supporter feels that I am unfairly going after them. And the timing of this is right after several weeks of very public media attention so it seems to me most likely that the information sought is related to that case. I don't know for sure and I want the police to do their work."

Fedenisn's case, in particular, has gained attention not just because of the substance of the allegations, but for her insistence that internal investigations into misconduct were "influenced, manipulated or simply called off" by senior State Department officials. The suppression of investigations was noted in an early draft of an Inspector General report she gave to CBS News, but softened in the final version.

Last month, her lawyers told The Cable that the department tried to intimidate her into silence. "They had law enforcement officers camp out in front of her house, harass her children and attempt to incriminate herself," claimed Schulman.

Aside from the obvious political overtones that mirror the Watergate break in, Mr. Schulman's characterization of the burglary is also eerily similar to the way that the Watergate caper was described. That, too, was termed "amateur hour" as far as the abilities and experience of the criminals.

Would the State Department be that stupid? Look at Benghazi, our Israel policy, and half a dozen other idiocies and tell me that we don't have a lot of dummies working at Foggy Bottom.

Then there is the history of Hillary and Bill. Funny how Gennifer Flower's house was allegedly broken into just before she began to sing about her relationship with Bill Clinton. Other Clinton women also reported being followed and harassed. So it is not beyond imagining that the highest levels of the State Department might have known of this break in or perhaps even ordered it.

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